Can I tell you a secret? I wish I was one of those bloggers who did the "what I wore" posts. I love cute clothes and if we went to lunch or grabbed coffee one morning, I feel sure we'd chat about where your necklace came from or how much I love my Evy's Tree hoodies. But it just has never felt natural to write about those things. I've tried a few times. But writing about books? Oh yeah, I can totally do that! And the truth is, if we were at lunch after we finished chatting about our outfits, ... [Read More]
What I’m Reading {April 2017}
I didn't get to read as much as I like this month. In fact, I feel like I barely got to read at all. Life is like that sometimes, right? I did get some flowers planted in one of the flower beds and somehow that feels like a huge accomplishment. (seriously) Nonetheless, I did read a few chapters here and there. Here's what I'm reading ... What I'm Reading April 2017 Adorned: Living Out the Beauty of the Gospel Together by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth — Has this one been on the list all ... [Read More]
What I’m Reading {March 2017}
Y'all, I'm still reading some of the same books I started in January. This really never happens but March has flown by. Scott did two revivals, Casiday had prom, and I've been working diligently to prepare for the Praying for Girls: Asking God for the Things They Need Most launch. {Which is less than four months away, which sounds like a long time, but really, I don't think it will be.} Last month I said part of the reason I love these What I'm Reading posts so much is because if we were ... [Read More]
What I’m Reading {February 2017}
I love these What I'm Reading posts! I hope you do too. If we were sitting together at a coffee shop or in my living room, I am sure books would come up. And I would surely tell you about what I'm reading and probably (because I can be a little bossy sometimes) I'd tell you which ones you should go buy. So, here we go! What I'm Reading: February 2017 Nonfiction Some of these have been on the list for the past few months. Here's why ... I'm savoring words right now. I'm reading books ... [Read More]
What I’m Reading {January 2017}
This is probably one of my favorite types of posts to write because I love to share what I'm reading. If we met for coffee and I got there before you, you wouldn't walk in and see me on my phone, you'd see me holding a book {or maybe my Kindle}. I always have a book in my bag. And there are always stacks of books marking where I'm sitting. I desperately want to keep a running list of what I've finished but, well, it's been a few years since I was successful at that. However, I am working ... [Read More]
What I’m Reading August 2016
So, before we get to the books I'm reading ... can I tell you my big news? I'm writing a book! In May I signed a contract with Bethany House Publishers to write Praying for Girls: Asking God for the Things They Need Most. Y'all, for real, I can't even explain how excited I am! You can read all the details over on the Prayers for Girls blog. And speaking of Prayers for Girls, are you a girl mom? {or aunt or grandmother or teacher ...} We'd love to have you join us over there for ... [Read More]