I've worn glasses since I was in the 6th grade. I have had every sort of dorky glasses known to man. Not once have I ever thought, "If I didn't need glasses, I'd still want to wear them." Not. Once. But my girl? That's a whole different story ... she doesn't need glasses. She can see perfectly. But, it appears we all want what we can't have. And so, when Firmoo offered me a pair of glasses to review, I knew this was just the opportunity for me to give my girl a little something ... [Read More]
WIWW {the back to school: winter edition}
Ahhh ... do you hear that? It is the sweet sound of routine settling back into the corners and crevices of our home. I love the holiday season and I'm thankful for all the fun we had over the break. But there is something sweet about the return of schedule. {I am sure some people manage to have schedule and routine when school isn't in session, we are not those people.} My girl started the second semester of her freshman year in high school today. Right now I can't sort out all the emotions — ... [Read More]