The Other “S” Word: Submission

Speak graciously to your husband. Speak well of him. Sex is a good thing - enjoy it! What a week we've had around here, huh?   I've so appreciated all your comments and tweets and shares on Facebook.  Marriage is hard and we need all the encouragement we can give one another!   Today, we've hit that other "s" word:  Submission. A few years ago I wrote this: The bottom line in submission is an attitude of our hearts … a desire to treat our husbands with respect, to place his best ... [Read More]

The S Word

Your sexual desire for your husband profoundly affects his sense of well-being and confidence in all areas of life.  ~ Shaunti Feldhahn, For Women Only Your husband wants you.   Yes, you.  With your stretch marks and graying hair, age spots and not-so-flat tummy (okay, so maybe I'm just describing me now), you are beautiful to him and appealing and he desires you. As much as you may wonder how you can be attractive to him with the spit-up on your shirt and oatmeal in your hair, you are. And, ... [Read More]

10 Ways to Speak Well of Your Husband

I love this guy!  And I'm so thankful he loves me back.  To be the only beautiful one in his life is an honor I never intend to take lightly. But, if I'm honest, sometimes I do take what we have lightly.  I neglect the relationship here on earth that matters most.  I pour myself out for others and he gets the remnants.   I nag, complain, and whine ... and I sap his strength {See Proverbs 12:4 NLT}. But this post isn't for my confessions, it's to offer all 10 simple ways to speak well of ... [Read More]

Are You a Nagging Wife?

This post is part of a series I did several years ago: Starting Well in 2012.  This week our topic is a tough one:  Marriage.  More specifically, we'll be talking about our role as wives ... and be prepared, we're going to cover some tough topics! Starting with one of the most difficult ... our mouths!   I don't know about y'all but sometimes my mouth gets ahead of my brain.  And that usually results in disaster! Let's look at what the writers of Proverbs tell us about wives and ... [Read More]

Starting Well in 2012 {Index}

Week 1:  Quiet Time ... discipline in my spiritual life Devotions, Quiet Times, Personal Bible Study.  Is is really necessary?  "God is not interested in your quiet time or devotions or personal Bible study … His interest is YOU." 10 Tips for a Great Quiet Time "Spending time in the Word is important … but how that happens and for how long on any given day?  I’m just not sure that is quite as big a deal to God as it seems to be to us sometimes." Memorize, Meditate, and Meander:  Storing Up ... [Read More]

Chocolate, Paradise, and Every Spiritual Blessing

{Welcome my friend and mentor - though she may not have realized that last one! - Kathy Howard.  One of the biggest blessings of starting Scripture Dig has been getting to know Kathy.   To wrap up our first week of Starting Well, she is sharing about a great Bible study she is going to begin next week on her blog.  If you are looking for a place to start in Bible study this year, THIS would be perfect!!} Chocolate surrounded me. Left, right, ahead, and behind. Everywhere I turned, chocolate ... [Read More]