10 Tips for a Great Quiet Time

{FYI ... you may also want to check out 10 (more) tips for a great quiet time.} A great quiet time. We all want one. We all know we need one. The problem is ... we live in this fallen, broken, messy, busy world.   Carving out the time is hard enough.  But figuring out what to do when we have it ... that's an even bigger challenge. Bible in 90 Days, Bible in a Year, the latest study by Priscilla Shirer or Kay Arthur, classic devotions like My Utmost for His Highest or Streams in ... [Read More]

10 Most Read Posts from 2011

Self-promoting? Borderline obnoxious? Yes, maybe. I actually had not planned to share the "best" posts from 2011. But I have enjoyed reading this kind of list from other bloggers and that made me curious about what posts from the past year were the most read here at www.terilynneunderwood.com. I have to admit, some of these were a bit surprising to me. {Weekend Challenge} Finish Something! :: Have a project you have neglected?  A "to do" list that overwhelms you?  A book you need to finish ... [Read More]

Relevant, Element, and Rest

It was amazing.   I cherish every moment of the time I spent with friends ... and learning, so much learning. Sure I learned about blogging basics with this incredible woman and listened as three amazing people shared their insights into blogging about big needs ... I was a wide-eyed listener as this couple taught on the business of blogging.   Joy reminded me how important community - local and bloggy - is.  Laura poured the sweetest blessing over me  - the majesty and glory of spending ... [Read More]

{Joy Day 26} Rejoice in the Lord Always

  Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice.  let your reasonableness be known to everyone.  The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.  And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:4-7, emphasis added Some days it is just hard to rejoice.   The dryer breaks, the children fight, the rain ... [Read More]

When Rest Doesn’t Come Easy

Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which He had done.  Genesis 2:2 You shall work six days, but on the seventh day you shall rest; even during plowing and harvest time you shall rest. Exodus 34:21 {emphasis added} How well our heavenly Father knows us.   Even after giving us His own example of resting, of commanding rest, of giving us six days to work ... He still had to spell it out clearly: Even during plowing and harvest time you ... [Read More]

Practical Suicide

Got your attention? I'm reading this amazing book ... The Rest of God: Restoring Your Soul by Restoring Sabbath by Mark Buchanon. Do you ever have a book you KNOW you are supposed to be reading ... RIGHT NOW?   This is that book for me. Scott bought Buchanon's book for me for Christmas and I added it to the large stack of books I received. In January, I was reading (again) One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are and noticed a few quotes that resonated within me ... guess ... [Read More]