life to the full or a full life?

We get so busy trying to find the best way to manage our time and to accomplish our goals so we can have full lives. I know, I do it. I've chased it and I've got the Pinterest boards to show for my search. But what if, God's desire for us isn't full lives ... what if we took seriously Jesus' words in John 10:10, "I've come that they {YOU!!} may have life to the full." But what does that mean? What does life to the full look like? Here's what I'm thinking ... what the Lord is speaking into ... [Read More]

Do You Love Your Life?

Well, y'all, I'm home from She Speaks. THANK YOU for your sweet prayers and words of encouragement. She Speaks was, as it always is, incredible.  I wish there was a way to share every single moment of it with you.  I'll be sorting through my notes and photos and business cards over the next few weeks and you can expect to hear more about the incredible messages from Lysa TerKeurst and Christine Caine ... and the incredible new friends I made and what they are up to ... and the words God ... [Read More]

Quiet Times, West Wing, and Being Invaded

Wow! Yesterday's post spoke to several of you. Thanks for sharing on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. I loved the comments on Instagram too ... gotta love getting a "Boom!" about a post! {Thanks, Stef! And I loved this post she wrote about moms needing their own Bible time.} I've often wondered why my most popular posts are about quiet times and Bible studies. I think is has to do with this one thing: We desperately want someone to tell us we're doing it right! I am amazed at how many ... [Read More]

What’s the Point of a Quiet Time?

I feel the need to confess something ... my mornings have been utter chaos this summer. Camps and vacation and the urgent need for catching up on laundry in between finds me struggling to get into a good routine. I have great intentions. But in the clash between reality and intentions, well, reality typically wins. This summer has been full of hit and miss morning quiet times.  More misses than hits, since I'm confessing. Maybe you deal with the same thing? Perhaps you have a baby or toddler ... [Read More]

Summer Update

I'm the worst blogger ever. It's true ... I want to write.  I mean to write. But then somehow I end up watching a "Friends" marathon with my girl and I realize how very uninteresting a story that makes so I make a list of blog posts I could write.  You know, things like "101 books you should read this summer" or "Tips for Looking Busy" ... The thing is, well, there's been a lot going on around here and I'm pretty much an epic failure at multitasking. {And perhaps I have a very low standard ... [Read More]

Some Lessons from Pinterest

I spent some time this weekend updating my boards on Pinterest. I combined a few boards and deleted some I'd made for specific events now over. As I looked at pins and boards, I noticed a few things about myself. And, since it's Monday and I'm trying to figure out ways to avoid the mountain of laundry that has accumulated around here over the weekend, I thought I'd share what I learned, some lessons from Pinterest. I have great intentions. Seriously! If you look at my boards, you'll find ideas ... [Read More]