The 5 Most Important Things I Do Every Day

Laundry. Checking on aging grandparents. Dishes. Making the beds. Taking my girl to whatever she has going on. Wiping the bathroom counter. Fixing a meal. Chatting about the day's activities with my husband. Feeding the dog. And the list goes on and on. My everyday, every day tasks are probably pretty similar to yours. So much of life is about doing the same things over and over. Every day we do the everyday stuff. We check mail and pay bills. We wash dishes and sort laundry. We connect with ... [Read More]

What Really Matters This Week

Y'all, it's only Monday and I'm already exhausted. We've been basically going non-stop this summer.  Between trips and camps and church activities and getting my parents moved to Alabama, I am t.i.r.e.d. Our church is having Vacation Bible School this week so we'll be busy with that every night. And my girl has some oral surgery scheduled for this week also. It would be easy to make a big list of things to do this week.  After all, school is starting in just a few weeks and that means we ... [Read More]

3 Reasons I Am No Longer Apologizing for My Busy Schedule

Monday I came out ... I admitted I'm busy and acknowledged that many of you probably are busy also. I shared this simple prayer: Even in my busy-ness may my heart be focused on Kingdom business. Here's the thing, I've spent a lot of time hiding my crazy schedule or making light of it. But this is where I am ... this is the place God has me right now. And it is okay. I have seen the business that God has given to the children of man to be busy with with. He has made everything beautiful in ... [Read More]

Book Review: Breaking Up with Perfect by Amy Carroll

Last summer I met this incredible girl with a smile that fills up a room. From our first phone conversation until we met face-to-face in the hallway of a hotel conference center in Charlotte, North Carolina, I knew this was a woman who loved Jesus. As she reached out to hug me, she said, with the perfect Southern drawl, "I fell like we are already friends." And we were. Amy Carroll is the real deal, y'all. Genuine, funny, and passionate about encouraging women.  She the girl who looks yoi n ... [Read More]

Busy Women Welcome Here!

My heart is drawn to a group of women who are often left feeling guilty or inadequate or even hurt by so much of the rhetoric in blogs and books these days. Women like me: the busy women! Consider this my welcome sign: Busy women welcome here! I can relate because, I confess, I'm busy. My calendar is full and my days never have enough time to do all the things I want and even need to do. My daughter is in high school and my husband is on staff at a great church. We live near both our families ... [Read More]

What if … We Take a Nap

Today's post in the "What if ... 10 ways to live well in today's world" is another tough one for many of us. After contemplating what it means to do something instead of everything and understanding that sometimes good enough is enough, it's time to learn how important it is to make resting a priority. What if ... we take a nap? Jesus said He’d come so we could have “life abundantly” {John 10:10} and He promised us rest when we come to Him weary and heavy-laden {Matthew 11:28}. Far too often ... [Read More]