{book review} Triggers by Amber Lia & Wendy Speake

It happened again this weekend. I call it the "Clash of the Hormones." Between my girl's teenager hormones and my menopausal hormones, let's just say it can get highly emotional around here and things can escalate quickly. I don't say that to make light of it ... or to excuse it.  But if we're honest, almost all of have those moments when we've totally lost it with our children. It's not that we WANT to be that kind of mom, it's that we're exhausted or stressed or overwhelmed. We love our ... [Read More]

{Book Review} Raising Grateful Kids in an Entitled World by Kristen Welch

It's no big secret I'm a Kristen Welch groupie. If you follow either of my Facebook pages you know I share basically everything she writes with the hashtag #MustRead.  I've been reading her blog for ever ....because she is equal parts hilarious and honest. And those are two of the most important qualities in a person as far as I'm concerned. Also I want to be her BFF because she's got a love for the Lord I want to be around all the time. A couple of years ago I said her book Rhinestone ... [Read More]

My Big List of Great Books for Moms

It's no big secret I adore books and reading.  I'm a failure at keeping an up-to-date book list here on the blog but I seem to be doing better at posts that share what I've been reading each month.  I've been working on a few projects connected to Prayers for Girls lately and because of that I've been pulling books off my shelf {and from my Kindle} to find quotes and information I know I've read somewhere. In the course of all that, I began to realize how many of the not parenting per se books ... [Read More]

Things I’m Loving These Days

Y'all, it's been a crazy few weeks for the Underwood family.  We've had parties and ball games and family visits and all three of us managed to get sick too. {Because, really, what's a busy holiday season without everyone needing antibiotic and steriod shots. ha!} But here's the thing, I know I won't have much time to write again before the end of the year.  I do have a few posts scheduled but I'm making the choice to be offline or at least mostly offline. By offline I mean, I'll be ... [Read More]

Desires for 2016: Preparing Your Heart for the Year Ahead

What are your dreams and desires for 2016? I know, it probably feels like I'm rushing this post ... and maybe I am a little bit. But I was thinking this morning how 2015 has flown by and I know these last few days of this year will be gone like a flash. So I started a little list of dreams I have for next year. Just some hopes and plans I'm pondering and treasuring as I look at what I hope 2016 will bring. These aren't the big goals and resolutions we often talk about as a new year ... [Read More]

So I went to dotMOM this past weekend …

What can I say about an event that involves Melanie Shankle and Sophie Hudson except you know you'll laugh! This year's dotMOM conference was fabulous! It's been a few years since I have been able to attend dotMOM and I was very excited to go this year with some of the ladies from our church. For those who don't know, dotMOM is a Lifeway|Women event and is my favorite non-writing conference to attend. This year's platform speakers included both Melanie and Sophie and one of my favorite ... [Read More]