31 Verses to Pray for Your Girl

Pray the World Journal from Million Praying Moms{May 2019 update: Y'all, I cannot even with where this little series has gone.  Literally TENS OF THOUSANDS of moms have read these posts and prayed these prayers and THOUSANDS of you are praying Scripture every day for the girls you love.  If you haven't already, check out my book just for us moms who want to pray with boldness and confidence for our girls. And be sure to check out the Pray the World Journal from Million Praying Moms where I am ... [Read More]

The Wonder of Growing Up

That's my girl ... on her first day of high school. She was equal parts excited and terrified as I dropped her off last Thursday. We managed, for the first time ever!, to be ready early on the first day of school ... and so we have actual first day of school pictures achieved without any screaming or crying or rushing. A gift, y'all. Then, because clearly the Lord has opened the floodgates of blessing for my girl, we arrived at the school right behind her two very best friends and all three ... [Read More]

How I Love This Child!!

Being her mom is one of the greatest joys of my life! This girl is hilarious and kind, generous and talented. And while there are days when the clash of the hormones threatens to overwhelm my sanity, parenting a teenage girl is way more fun than I ever dreamed it would be. There are moments when I realize how very much like her mom she is ... and there are also moments when the only way I know she's mine is I was there when she was born!! Today I'm at Mothers of Daughters spilling all ... [Read More]

4 Great Books for Girl Moms

We leave for cheer camp today ... the girl is equal parts excited, exhausted, and edgy. I can't wait for lemonade at Toomer's this evening! {Did I mention the two moms I'm sharing a hotel room with this week are both Alabama fans ... and we'll be in Auburn?? And tomorrow I get to see Aubie?? If you've never seen the campus of Auburn University, it is gorgeous! And the "loveliest village on the plains" is also a beautiful place to be.} Anyway, this post isn't really about my affection for ... [Read More]

14 Things I Want My 14-Year-Old Daughter to Know {Part 2}

I suppose I've been in a bit of a reflective mood lately. Something about having a child old enough to start high school in August has made me that way. :) As I've considered what kind of person I pray my girl will become, what kind of person she already is, I realized there are still lessons I want to teach her. I was reminded my work as a mom is no where near done! So I started making a list of what I wanted her to know, 14 things I want my 14-year-old daughter to know.  I shared the ... [Read More]

14 Things I Want My 14-Year-Old Daughter to Know {Part 1}

Just over two weeks ago my daughter turned fourteen. I just can't believe it! I feel like the clock is ticking faster and faster.  This month she'll be trying out for JV cheerleader.  Soon we'll be planning her class schedule for high school ... and I know once that first day of high school comes on August 7 I'll barely blink and we'll be looking at class rings and then prom dresses and planning for college. Like many moms I spend a fair amount of time wondering how many ways I've failed and ... [Read More]