Dear Teri, Washing dishes, making beds, and cleaning house. Tasks that you complete almost every day. A never-ending cycle of picking up and laying down. You come from a long like of picker-uppers and layer-downers. From both sides of your family tree are the strong women who sacrificed self for child. You've been welcomed into a great cloud of witnesses to the glory and the grit and the grace of motherhood. From great-grandmothers who have whispered words of wisdom deep into your ... [Read More]
{Dear Teri, Love Teri} Be Brave
Dear Teri, That first year of mothering was hard. You and Scott moved from your home in North Alabama to South Georgia ... with a six-month-old. You were lonely. A lot. He was busy learning the ins and outs of a new church family and then leading that congregation after the pastor resigned. It was an isolated time. You wandered around that house wondering what in the world made you all think God had actually called you to leave everyone you knew. Now, almost twelve years later, you're ... [Read More]
Sneaky Parenting
Confession: I use my camera to spy on my daughter and her friends. Before you get all judge-y on me, you should know, they ask me to do it. Well, they ask me to take pictures ... the spying part, that's all me. And I don't feel even the least bit guilty about it. Join me at Mod Squad today where I'm sharing how I my camera helps me remind my daughter and her friends how precious they are. ... [Read More]
On Being Brave and Lessons from my Daughter
Every month I am honored to share some thoughts with an amazing group of mommas - girl mommas, just like me. Women whose hearts know the joy and fear of parenting a girl-child. Women whose prayers cover their daughters from head to toe and heart to soul. Women who long to raise up a generation of God-loving, God-fearing young ladies. Women who know we parent best when we are bowed low before the Father. I've been writing at MOD Squad for over a year. My column is all about parenting from ... [Read More]
Monday Morning Blahs?
Did this Monday morning find you behind, exhausted, stressed, and just plain worn out? Yeah, me too! Will you join me at MOD Squad {even if you are not the mother of a daughter, today's post is for you!} where I am sharing about our Overflowing Hope? And don't forget about Have Yourself a {Mary} Little Christmas ... we'll be looking at the final two keys to a Mary Christmas on Wednesday and Thursday. If you missed any of those posts you can catch up! Introduction, Part 1, Part 2, and some ... [Read More]
Overflowing Grace
After an evening of yelling and crying and overflowing YUCK, she was in bed asleep and I found myself overwhelmed by how quickly life’s circumstances – even the really small stuff – can gain the upper hand in my heart. That old self talk began … “You’re a terrible mom!” “She is not going to want to be close to you.” “You’re going to mess this up so bad.” “Failure.” Weary from the day, all I wanted was to go to bed and start over. The ache in my heart and lies in my head made crawling ... [Read More]