Dear Weary Mom, The Hardest Lesson

It's Thursday.  I love Thursdays.  Thursdays around here are for dishing up truth and hope and grace about mothering.  And I'm so glad you are here to join me.  So let's get going . . . This mothering gig is so much harder than I ever thought it would be.  And I'm so much worse at it than I thought I'd be. Seriously, I thought I'd be awesome! Especially at having a teenager.  I mean, my husband was youth pastor for years.  Parenting a child of our own would be a breeze after that. {Yeah, go ... [Read More]

Dear Weary Mom, Be Faithful!

Hey you!  I see you — hot and tired and wondering how much longer the summer heatwave or rainy season (depending on where you live) is going to last.   June swept through our home like a bossy but loveable friend who brings way too much activity and leaves exhaustion in her wake.  After surviving cheer camp, youth camp, and finally a family vacation with four generations of my husband's family, we spent most of last week in simple recovery mode. My girl and her BFF spent more than one day ... [Read More]

Dear Weary Mom, Dig In!!

Oh friend! I wish you were here next to me.  This little note would be so much better as a long chat over yummy chocolate cheesecake and some really good coffee.   I've been thinking about this topic often since I started writing these weekly letters for the weary moms.  We can be a pitiful little sisterhood, you know?  We're frazzled and worn out.  Sometimes we end up in a puddle of tears on the kitchen floor wondering if we'll survive.  I know ... I'm there more often than I ever dreamed I ... [Read More]

Dear Weary Mom, You Are Chosen!

 "I wish she was my mom.  She's so much fun." It's the death blow on a mom's heart.  I'd love to laugh it off and say every child feels that way at some point.  That may well be true.  But even if it is, it doesn't take the sting out of knowing my child feels that way. I want to be her first choice. I want to be the mom she would choose if she could.  I want to be the fun mom, the wise mom, the caring mom, the always-amazing mom. But I'm really not. I'm the mom who regrets something from ... [Read More]

Creating Time? 10 Simple Ideas

Is your to do list overwhelming? Have you ever wished for just one more hour in the day?  Or one more day in the week? Do you wish you could create more time? Yeah, me too.  In fact, if we're honest, I'd imagine we all do.  We cannot make our days last 25 hours, but we can find simple ways to use the time we have better.  I'm no organizational expert.  If you were to come visit my house right now, you'd see my dining room table piled high with all the "stuff" that didn't fit when we put ... [Read More]

Are You Too Busy?

As I have been writing and preparing to speak this weekend, I've been re-reading several of my favorite books on rest and priorities.  I think my all-time favorite book on the topic of rest and Sabbath is The Rest of God: Restoring Your Soul by Restoring Sabbath by Mark Buchanan.  I've underlined and highlighted and dog-eared a large portion of the book. One of my favorite chapters is the one on busyness.  Well, maybe favorite isn't the best word.  It's a great chapter but it hurts me to ... [Read More]