Have You Ever Felt Fresh Out of Amazing?

I remember the first time I read Stacey's confession ... her words painted a picture of exactly how I felt! Lord, I feel like I need to be amazing. The trouble is, I'm fresh out of amazing. Honestly, it rings as true today as it did almost five years ago.  Monday, I sent an email to the Prayers for Girls subscribers. This was the first paragraph: I wanted to start this email all peppy and enthusiastic but the truth is, I am exhausted. Not just physically tired ... but in every way drained. ... [Read More]

What I’m Reading {September 2016}

Y'all, my book stack is HUGE. Seriously. But so many of my friends are writing so many great books ... and I want to tell you all about all of them. But then all I'd be talking about is books and while I love books, I also have other things I want to share with you so these posts are my way of giving you information about what I'm reading and what books I think you'd love. {Also, that was seriously a crazy run-on sentence. ha!} So, here the books I'm working my way through in September. {The ... [Read More]

What Counts as Success?

If you've ever heard me speak, you've undoubtedly heard these two sentences ... "Go ahead and take that nap!" and "We have a low standard of success: if no one's dead and no one's in jail, it's a good day." I know, you're now thinking, "Holy cow, this girl is crazy!" And yeah, I probably am. Of course, there's a lot more than meets the eye in those two statements. And, while I'm no where near as level-headed as I'd like to be about life {seriously, I'm an over-the-top emotional girl ... [Read More]

Can we replace mom guilt with mom grace? Please!!

Can we replace mom guilt with mom grace?? Please!!! With all the tragedy happening around us, can we just join together as moms and make this declaration — we will give each other grace! When your kid spits on mine at the playground, I won't give you the stink eye. Because you weren't the one who spit. And I choose to believe you didn't tell your kid spitting was cool. When your little girl's BFF tells her she doesn't like her any more because she wears the wrong socks, you choose not ... [Read More]

Are You Content?

You say, “If I had a little more, I should be very satisfied.” But you make a mistake. If you are not content with what you have, you would not be satisfied if it were doubled. Charles Spurgeon Are you content? Store your treasures in heaven, where they will never become moth-eaten or rusty and where they will be safe from thieves. Wherever your treasure is, there your heart and thoughts will also be … So don’t worry about having enough food or drink or clothing. Why be like the pagans ... [Read More]

Why So Busy? 3 Reasons and 3 Responses

You're busy. I know. I am too. {Remember, I'm not even apologizing for it anymore.} But here's the thing, there's good busy and there's bad busy. I know, it all makes our calendars look crazy. But the truth is, there are times when life is just busy and it's for all the right reasons. And then there are the other times — you know, when we've let things get out of control and we need a reality check. When I look at the busy season in my life, I've noticed there are three main ... [Read More]