A Reminder for the Days when Life Is Hard

Recently after yet another "lively discussion" with my girl, I sat on the couch and cried. Because life is hard. It just is. And I somehow convince myself that means I am doing something wrong. Because surely if I were doing it right, there wouldn't be so much struggle and frustration. So there I sat with all my tears and doubts and fears and I remembered some words my friend Stacey wrote a few years ago ... I’ve pretty much fallen short in every category. I am tired and not really ... [Read More]

Simple Bible Study for Busy Women

Last week I was talking to my friend Britta. We were dreaming about some big ideas God has placed inside our hearts and brainstorming together some of the ways we could partner to see those ideas turn into realities. One of the passions we share is encouraging women to interact with Scripture and to help them see how the Word of God intersects with daily life. It's no secret around here how deeply passionate I am about the value of daily time in the Word ... but I'm equally desperate to ... [Read More]

The 5 Most Important Things I Do Every Day

Laundry. Checking on aging grandparents. Dishes. Making the beds. Taking my girl to whatever she has going on. Wiping the bathroom counter. Fixing a meal. Chatting about the day's activities with my husband. Feeding the dog. And the list goes on and on. My everyday, every day tasks are probably pretty similar to yours. So much of life is about doing the same things over and over. Every day we do the everyday stuff. We check mail and pay bills. We wash dishes and sort laundry. We connect with ... [Read More]

What Really Matters This Week

Y'all, it's only Monday and I'm already exhausted. We've been basically going non-stop this summer.  Between trips and camps and church activities and getting my parents moved to Alabama, I am t.i.r.e.d. Our church is having Vacation Bible School this week so we'll be busy with that every night. And my girl has some oral surgery scheduled for this week also. It would be easy to make a big list of things to do this week.  After all, school is starting in just a few weeks and that means we ... [Read More]

Book Review: Breaking Up with Perfect by Amy Carroll

Last summer I met this incredible girl with a smile that fills up a room. From our first phone conversation until we met face-to-face in the hallway of a hotel conference center in Charlotte, North Carolina, I knew this was a woman who loved Jesus. As she reached out to hug me, she said, with the perfect Southern drawl, "I fell like we are already friends." And we were. Amy Carroll is the real deal, y'all. Genuine, funny, and passionate about encouraging women.  She the girl who looks yoi n ... [Read More]

Hope Will Come

Hope.  Hope pushes to keep going when hopelessness pulls at us to stop. Hope glimmers softly when darkness weighs hard and heavy. Hope whispers peace when circumstances scream chaos. Hope. Wherever you are, whatever your situation, there is hope. Because in Christ we are more than conquerors {Romans 8:37} and in Him we have fullness of joy {Psalm 16:11} and in Him we have hope, the anchor for our souls {Hebrews 6:19}. And there are days when hope seems far away but even then we wait. ... [Read More]