Commitment: the Choice to Stay

Welcome to day 8 of STAND OUT: 7 traits of a counter cultural life. You can find the index of every post in this series here. Today we're moving to the second trait of a counter cultural life. This one might seem a little strange at first glance, but stick with me. It will make sense, I promise! Commitment. the act of committing the state of being committed the act of committing, pledging, or engaging oneself a pledge or obligation Those are the official definitions but for our ... [Read More]

Living Wisely in the Everyday

Welcome to day 7 of STAND OUT: 7 traits of a counter cultural life.  You can find an index of all the posts in this series here. Today we're wrapping up our discussion about wisdom, the foundational trait of a counter cultural life. So far, we've recognized our need for wisdom from above and discovered the path to true wisdom is only through God.  Now it's time to get to the nitty gritty—the practical application of how wisdom impacts our daily pursuit of a counter cultural life. What does ... [Read More]

The Path to True Wisdom

Welcome to day 6 of STAND OUT: 7 traits of a counter cultural life. You can find an index of every post in this series here. Yesterday we began discussing wisdom, which I believe is the foundation of living a counter cultural life. The problem is, sometimes we are seriously lacking in wisdom. We can easily begin to think we are wise and end up in a heap of trouble.  Paul wrote about this very thing to the church at Corinth: Let no one deceive himself. If anyone among you thinks that he is ... [Read More]

The Wisdom from Above

Welcome to day 5 of STAND OUT: 7 traits of a counter cultural life. All the posts in this series are indexed here.  Last week was one of those really hard weeks. I feel like I say that a lot lately. And I don't mean to ... it's just that well, life is hard. A week ago today, we found out three families in our church were facing incredibly difficult situations. Which made me think, if we know about three how many others are struggling and we don't know anything about it at all. Scott's ... [Read More]

Sunday Meditations || Romans 12:2

Each week we will begin with a Sunday meditation, a prayer based on a verse related to counter cultural living. This week, of course, I have chosen Romans 12:2, which is the foundation verse for this series. Lord, as we begin this journey, we know we can only learn what You are willing to teach. Give us willing hearts and open minds for the transformation You desire to accomplish in us. When the questions don't have simple answers, grant us patience. When situations leave us gasping for ... [Read More]

STAND OUT: Recommended Resources

This transformation journey began for me, as many things do, with books that piqued my interest and challenged my thinking. And, as I dug into the Word, I longed to understand more about what a counter cultural life is and how it looks for a very unremarkable wife and mom in north Alabama.  As I studied and prayed, I also sought more resources and insight from others who were farther along in the process than I am. I've listened to podcasts, read blog posts, and marked up books ... and today ... [Read More]