As Mother's Day draws near, may I share from my heart a piece of encouragement? For the Mothers For those who have longed for a child of their own and will stay home from church today because it's too hard - may your heart be cradled by the God who LOVES you. For those who mourn the child they have lost - may your tears be captured the God who SEES you. For those who are bleary-eyed and exhausted from late-night feedings and too-early cries - may your strength be renewed by ... [Read More]
Praying for You
And so, this is it ... my final scheduled post for 2010. I'll be taking the next three weeks to enjoy the holidays and do some traveling. January is looking very slow on our family's calendar and very exciting on my blogging calendar! I cannot wait to share with you the truths God has been working out in my heart over the past weeks. As I write this, I know that I'll probably pop back in at least a time or two to share some verse or thought or song that has touched my heart. {I like to do ... [Read More]
My Christmas Prayer
Fill my heart, O Lord, with wonder at the majesty of Your birth. Fill my mouth, O Lord, with grace for those who need Your Word. Fill my arms, O Lord, with hugs for those who've lost their way. Fill my mind, O Lord, with thoughts of You as I go about my day. Fill me up, O Lord, with only You ... that others see Your light. Amen ... [Read More]
Make It Happen Monday: Pruning the Holidays
One of my favorite books to read as the holiday onslaught begins is Can Martha Have a Mary Christmas? by Brenda Poinsett. If you are passionate about living lopsided, this is a must-read! She says this about taming the holiday calendar, We will all prune in different ways in light of what is most important to us and in light of what will make our Christmas more pleasurable and meaningful. (64) When you look at your December calendar and think, "I can't do it all!" ... ask yourself these ... [Read More]
Thanksgiving Living
To speak gratitude is courteous and pleasant, to enact gratitude is generous and noble, but to live gratitude is to touch Heaven. Johannes A. Gaertner Warmest Thanksgiving wishes to you and your family! {Image via Flickr} ... [Read More]
For the Mothers … all of them
On this, the day we celebrate mothers, may we all take a moment to remember mothers of all types ... For those who have longed for a child of their own and will stay home from church today because it's just too hard — may your heart be cradled by the God who LOVES you. For those who mourn the child they have lost — may your tears be captured by the God who SEES you. For those who are bleary-eyed and exhausted from late-night feedings and too-early cries — may your strength ... [Read More]