Have Yourself a {Mary} Little Christmas – Introduction

Not all women are Marthas, but even women who aren't generally become Marthas at Christmas.  How else would Christmas get done if it weren't for us. ~ Brenda Poinsett Gift-buying. Menu-making. Present-wrapping. Cookie-baking. House-decorating.  Tree-trimming.  Party-hosting.  Photo-taking.  No-sleeping. It's the most wonderful time of the year!   And the most exhausting. Whether we busy ourselves with Jesse Trees and Advent wreaths or Santa Claus and The Nutcracker Suite or some combination of ... [Read More]

Giving {Living} Beyond

For most of us, this week will be filled with food and family, traditions and even some shopping. But for millions around the world - and even many in our communities - this Thursday will not be a festive family occasion.    In fact, for many, Thanksgiving is the beginning of the most depressing time of the year, not the most wonderful. As many as 3.5 million people are homeless in the United States during any given week ... and up to 40% of that number are families with children.  ... [Read More]

Beat Holiday Chaos: 4 Ideas for Staying Focused

Less than a week until Thanksgiving ... just over a month until Christmas.  Perhaps your calendar looks a little bit like mine ... c.r.a.z.y. But, before the mayhem begins, I'd like to share with you four ideas for staying focused on what really matters during this holiday season. Read the Gospel of Luke during December.  There are 24 chapters so reading a chapter a day takes you through the life of Christ before we celebrate His birth. Involve your family in the decisions.  Ask each ... [Read More]

10 Thanksgiving Stocking Ideas

Today I want to share one of our favorite holiday traditions … the Thanksgiving stocking!! Each year to kick off the actual Christmas season, we give Thanksgiving stockings. Given after the Thanksgiving meal is cleaned up and everyone is ready for a nap – except the children! – these stockings contain the most wonderful assortment of goodies.  We figured out early in our marriage that it is no fun to give Christmas ornaments and such on Christmas because you cannot enjoy them through the ... [Read More]

Happy Fourth of July!

A few weeks ago, we spent some time in the Smoky Mountains and visited an old cemetery in Cade's Cove.   There were tombstones there for men who had fought and died in the Revolutionary War all the way up to those who had lost their lives in the Gulf War. As I wandered through this beautiful, hallowed place, I wondered why it is that we take our freedoms so lightly.   Not just our freedoms as citizens of the United States but even more, our freedoms in Christ. All freedom comes through high ... [Read More]


A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself. ~ Joseph Campbell Today we remember those who fought and died to secure the freedoms we hold dear.     Pause this day, in the midst of grilling out, getting wet, and giving hugs, to say a prayer of thanks for those who have given their lives and those who today serve on foreign soil, prepared to give their lives, to give us the freedom to celebrate this great day. May we all remember the life given by One for us ... [Read More]