Rushing To and Fro

Remember when I wrote about the need to slow?   Yeah, me too.  I only thought I was crazy busy this past summer with moving (twice) and getting settled into a new community. The past two weeks … i.n.s.a.n.e. Most of the madness is short term.   But, the truth is, almost all of it could have been eliminated if I’d been practicing what I preach. {ouch!} I have a knack for concepts.  I create clever phrases like “lopsided living” and talk about them.  I can share lists and ideas and root it all ... [Read More]

Sharing Your Husband?

My husband is a pastor.   I share him with the members of our church. My husband is a son.  I share him with his mom. My husband is a brother.  I share him with his brother. My husband is an uncle.  I share him with our nieces and nephews. My husband is a dad.  I share him with our daughter. There are countless others - friends, co-workers, ministry partners, etc. - who also need pieces of my husband's time, energy, and abilities.  My life isn't all that different from yours, I imagine. The ... [Read More]

10 Tips for a Great Quiet Time

{FYI ... you may also want to check out 10 (more) tips for a great quiet time.} A great quiet time. We all want one. We all know we need one. The problem is ... we live in this fallen, broken, messy, busy world.   Carving out the time is hard enough.  But figuring out what to do when we have it ... that's an even bigger challenge. Bible in 90 Days, Bible in a Year, the latest study by Priscilla Shirer or Kay Arthur, classic devotions like My Utmost for His Highest or Streams in ... [Read More]

Devotions, Quiet Time, Personal Bible Study. Is It Really Necessary?

Many of us began the New Year with a renewed desire to spend time growing in the Lord.   The problem is ... we don't always know what that means or how to do it.   So we do what we heard all the super spiritual people do and commit to reading the whole Bible in a year and taking notes about all we learn along the way.   We choose a one-year reading plan and jump from Genesis to Psalms to Proverbs and finally to Matthew ... and within a few a few days our enthusiasm wanes and our exhaustion ... [Read More]

{Joy Day 31} The Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ

  The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Philippians 4:23 Oh Lord, thank You for the gift of Your grace.   Today, I pray for an open ear to hear the whispers of Your love.  I long for open eyes to see Your faithful love.   May my heart be open to all the joy You came to bring.   May my mind be open to all the truth You are.   Use my hands to touch the lives of others.  Use my feet to move me where You know I need to be.  Use my words to speak life into others.   It's You, ... [Read More]

{Joy Day 18} Put No Confidence in the Flesh

Look out for the dogs, look out for the evildoers, look out for those who mutilate the flesh.  For we are the real circumcision, who worship by the Spirit of God and glory in Christ Jesus and put no confidence in the flesh. Philippians 3:2-3, emphasis added Yesterday, my flesh was a mess.   We had a rough Monday morning ...and by "we," I mean my 11-year-old.  Nothing went smoothly for her ... and, I hate to admit, but this momma did not help matters at all.   Rather than patient, I was ... [Read More]