I want to say this well ... because if I don't, I'm afraid I'll miss this incredible opportunity to show the love of Christ. I'm nervous because the topic is full of potential for misinterpretation and hateful dialog and mean-spiritedness. But inside me, I know this is one of those rare times when I need to let go of my desire to be liked and avoid the fray and speak out. So with great trepidation and a whole lot of prayers, I am sharing my thoughts about 50 Shades of Grey and why the real ... [Read More]
Thoughts on Sin and Grace
{This post ended up being a lot longer than normal. Apparently I had a lot to say.} My girl is 13. She's in 8th grade. She's a cheerleader, a dancer, and in her school's Show Choir. She has a boyfriend and a cell phone. I'm sure there are those who think we are too permissive ... she, of course, thinks we are overprotective. I hope and pray we are wise and discerning. It isn't easy raising kids these days. The world is full of sex and drugs and abductions and more awful stuff then I care ... [Read More]
New Believers Class, Suicide Attempts, and Snapshots of Grace
I'm teaching a new believers class at my church. And I'm leading what I've begun calling a "Bible in 490 Days" group. I have to admit, I am far more uncomfortable teaching the new believers class. I feel woefully inadequate. I looked around the room and the only thought I had was, "Lord, I'm such a mess. What can I tell them? How do I encourage them? And what about the truth that this whole disciple thing is just hard? What do I do with that?" It was 15 minutes past time to begin and I ... [Read More]
I Was Wrong
"If you don't have time to spend in Bible study every day then your priorities are wrong." It hurts me to type that sentence. Because it is embarrassing to me that I have said it many times to people who didn't need to be admonished, they needed to be heard and encouraged. About two or three years ago, the Lord began showing me the depth of my pride and self-righteousness in the area of daily Bible study. I used to judge people who said they just didn't have time to spend a lot of time ... [Read More]
The Husband’s Favorites: Day 1 {on Forgiveness}
{So, in the midst of this bloggy break while I finish an exciting project, my husband suggested that he share some of his favorites from the archives of my blog. I thought that sounded fabulous and am reminded how thankful I am to have a supportive and encouraging husband on this writing journey. So, here it is, the first of Scott's favorite posts along with his commentary. Enjoy!} My wife writes most of the drama for our church and this is one of the pieces she did to accompany a series we ... [Read More]
Forgive to be Forgiven?
Forgive us our debts as we also have forgiven our debtors … For if you forgive others their trespasses, your Heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. Matthew 6:12, 14 ESV Do you think God really meant that? Am I really only forgiven as much as I am forgiving? Remember the parable of the man whose great debt the king forgave? That man, who had been forgiven so much, demanded payment of a ... [Read More]