Grace: the unmerited favor of God; receiving that which we don't deserve. We can’t do enough or be good enough or live well enough to earn the grace God has given. It’s why verses like this mean much to us as believers: For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not as a result of works so that no one may boast. Ephesians 2:8-9 Not from ourselves. Not of ourselves. Not through ourselves. It isn’t about us at all. Grace is entirely ... [Read More]
A Reminder for the Days when Life Is Hard
Recently after yet another "lively discussion" with my girl, I sat on the couch and cried. Because life is hard. It just is. And I somehow convince myself that means I am doing something wrong. Because surely if I were doing it right, there wouldn't be so much struggle and frustration. So there I sat with all my tears and doubts and fears and I remembered some words my friend Stacey wrote a few years ago ... I’ve pretty much fallen short in every category. I am tired and not really ... [Read More]
On Accusers and Adulterers … and What Grace Really Looks Like
Have you ever read a familiar passage of Scripture, one you've studied and taught and heard countless sermons about, and then one day you read it and the Holy Spirit whispers something entirely new to you, a glimpse of something you had never considered? Yeah, that happened to me yesterday. I'm using the She Reads Truth Women in the Word plan this summer. {And I love it, by the way!} Yesterday was Day 7 in the New Testament readings. John 8:1-11 ... the adulterous woman. You know the ... [Read More]
What if … We Mess Everything Up
Only a few posts left in the "What if ... 10 ways to live well in today's world" series. It's funny, when I started planning it, I had no idea how chaotic June was going to be. I knew we had a few things on the calendar but I had no idea the level of craziness headed my direction. But, as God is prone to do, He has used each of these posts to point me back to Him and to His Word. I hope He is doing the same for you. In case you've missed any of the posts, here is a recap: What if we do ... [Read More]
What if … We Give Ourselves Grace
We're on the second half of the "What if ... 10 ways to live well in today's world" series. I hope you are finding encouragement and freedom through these posts. John 10:10 is one of my favorite verses because it reminds me of two important things: Life is going to be difficult some days. There is an enemy who wants to devour us. BUT {and oh this is good!} Jesus has won the victory for us. And therefore we have not just a mediocre existence ... we have overflowing life to the full. Living ... [Read More]
I Don’t Have to Be the Perfect Mom {and neither do you!}
My friend Marguerite and I walk together several mornings a week. Recently {and what seems like always lately}, I was bemoaning my failures as a mom. Marguerite, who has three boys of her own, looked me in the eyes and said, “You would never let any of your friends talk about themselves like this. Treat yourself the way you treat us.” She was right. I’d never let my friends believe they were failures because of frustration over snow days and a less than extravagant birthday celebration. I’d ... [Read More]
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