Always Remember

It's hard to always remember those things, isn't it?  But oh so important that we do ... Happy Thursday! ~~~~~  Don't forget about the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle ... 97 ebooks for under $30!  Only available until Saturday! ~~~~~  image source: ... [Read More]

Dear Friend who Dreams {a God-sized dreams post}

So, here's the deal ... I have too many friends who dream big, God-sized dreams and have faith that moves mountains and hearts that draw others close.  Therefore, I am modifying the assignment and writing a few postcards to some dreamers I know.  Hope Holley doesn't mind too much. :) Stacey Thacker ... one of the first blogging friends I made ... and a dear friend now in real life Carey Bailey ... whose smile lights up every room she's in and who embodies joy in every way. Elizabeth May ... [Read More]

Community (in)RL

I can talk all. day. long.   For real.  But this morning, I am finding it hard to put into words what happened in my heart and in my home Saturday morning. Six women walked through my door.  Six women with six different situations.  The only commonality was they all knew me.  One has known me my whole life and one only knew me through the stories she'd heard for years.  The rest fit somewhere in between. We ate and chatted in my kitchen because isn't that where women always get ... [Read More]

An Ode to Friendship {five minute friday}

Friend.  What a great prompt.  I don't always get to join in with the Five Minute Friday girls but the stars aligned this week.  So, I just thought I'd write an ode to friendship ... not sure how this will work in 5 minutes ... but let's give this a go. {GO} Some friends make me laugh so hard I find it hard to breathe. Some friends write the most amazing words, I feel honored just to read. Some friends offer prayers when life seems to much to bear. Some friends always seem to know ... [Read More]

When Weekends Are Great and Mondays Start Hard

{For all my email subscribers who received a blank email ... I am so sorry.} This weekend we had company. We laughed and reminisced, ate and laughed some more. It was great. Friday night, we celebrated Scott's grandmother's 88th birthday. Four generations gathered around the table was pretty special. Watching the kids sing "Happy Birthday" for their great-grandmother was so sweet. It was great. Saturday morning, we went to our nephew's basketball game ... 6 and 7 year olds playing rec ball. The ... [Read More]

Slow to Speak

It happened again.  It always does.  My mouth moved faster than my mind. And in the wreckage, hurt and sorrow and wondering when I'll ever learn.  When will I finally understand? Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry.  James 1:19 NLT Quick to listen, slow to speak. Words hurt, they cut deep.  The wounds they leave may heal ... but the scars remain.  Friendships that never quite regain the ease they once had. ... [Read More]