What if … We Invite Others to Our Sticky Tables

Y'all, I might be a little sad ... this is the last week of my "What if ... 10 ways to live well in today's world" series." I cannot begin to tell you how much I have been encouraged by your comments and emails. What a gift this little community is to me! Thank you for helping me on my journey to live well and for the honor of encouraging you as you do the same!! Just in case you missed any of the previous posts, here they are: What if we do something instead of everything? What if we ... [Read More]

For Your Weekend

I'm sitting here listening to the rain {and hoping the wind won't blow it in through my open windows} and contemplating the depths of God's love for me. I hope you know how vast is the love God has for you. Easter is the high point in the Christian church — the celebration of Christ's victory over death and our hope for eternal life.   This post from House of Hendrix — I promise, just read it. The most beautiful description of friendship I have read in a very long time.  After I'd ... [Read More]

You Are NOT on Your Own!

Here we are at day four of our journey to living well.  I hope you have been encouraged.  I have loved reading your comments here on the blog and on Facebook.  Today we're discussing the third truth about living well.  We've already covered the reality we can't do it all and we can learn to be content.  This last one is encouraging to me ... and I hope it is to you as well. I don't know about you but sometimes I really start to believe I'm alone.  I don't see the truth of how others are ... [Read More]

Dear Weary Mom, Invite Someone into Your Mess

It's Thursday, which is rapidly becoming my favorite day of the week around here. I love being able to pour out my heart about all the ways this mom gig can drain me dry.  And I love the way you all leave the sweetest comments to remind me I'm not alone and there is hope!! This week, I'm sharing about hitting rock bottom as a mom over at the Hope for the Weary Mom blog.   It's got all the makings of a good story — teenage hormones, 40-something hormones, door slamming, soul searching, sin ... [Read More]

Do You Have a Sticky Table in Your Life?

Ever read something and think, "I LOVE that!!"  Recently, I found a quote that fits in that category for me. The great motherhood friendships are the ones in which two women can admit how difficult mothering is quietly to each other, over cups of tea at a sticky table with spilled apple juice and littered with markers without tops. Anna Quindlan  So, so true!  We need those people who will come alongside us during these days of mothering, friends who will share both our burdens and our ... [Read More]

Women like this …

Women like this ... unashamed of their realness, willing to bare all and to come alongside others. confident not in themselves but in Christ who is their strength. honest, transparent, funny, creative, beautiful. mothers, wives, daughters, sisters, friends—so many hats, all worn with grace. bloggers, writers, designers, teachers. Women like this ... Godly women who are living out Titus 2 and Proverbs 31. who seek wisdom. who yearn for stillness. who love the Lord. who ... [Read More]