Back to School … Already???

School starts today.  Today, y'all.   My sweet girl's last year of middle school begins TODAY.. We spent the weekend at the Watermelon Festival in our community and now, just like that, summer is over. This summer was not been the easiest on record around here. So I'm sorta looking forward to school starting as an opportunity readjust and start again. I've got high expectations for the coming school year. I'm excited to watch my girl cheer and participate in Show Choir programs and ... [Read More]

Life Coaching, Laundry, and Learning to Focus

  Once upon a time there was a girl who was Type AAAAAAA. Schedule and routine were her BFFs. She nurtured her relationship with them and gave them plenty of attention. She consulted the mighty duo before accepting any obligation. She paid attention to how she spent her time and took pride in accomplishing her daily goals. All was well in her world. Until ... She had a three-week-long headache due to stress. Her husband started a new job at a church in a new community. Her daughter ... [Read More]

What Monday Really Needs

Dear Monday, I really need another day to prepare for you.  Could you come back tomorrow and let's try this again? Mmkay?  Thanks! xo, TL Wouldn't it be awesome if I could really do that?  Just add in 24 hours between Sunday and Monday?  Because, seriously, I really need a day to recover from the chaos of Sunday before the totally different but just as chaotic day we call Monday. Don't you?  I'm sitting here in my office/study right now.  I've had my quiet time this morning ... ... [Read More]

On Dreams and Seasons of Life

In January I started writing about chasing the God-sized dream in my heart. Of course, it all started with me realizing I wasn't even sure what that dream was and learning to listen so He could show me.  It hasn't been an easy journey for me, this God-size dream chasing.  In fact, I'm sitting here six months later and realizing while I do see a little more clearly, I still am not certain where this path is leading.  I know He's given me a heart and passion for encouraging women to live well, to ... [Read More]

Make Time to Play {a God-Size Dreams post}

This week is one of those crazy-busy, tear-out-your-hair, meet-yourself-coming-and-going kind of weeks.  My husband is leading worship for a revival.  My daughter's spring musical is Thursday and Friday.  I have a speaking engagement Thursday night and (in)RL is this weekend. My house is a wreck.  The vacuum died on Monday so it's still standing where it stopped, cord snaking through two different rooms.  Apparently people are sneaking in and taking showers while we are all away from home ... [Read More]

Creating Time? 10 Simple Ideas

Is your to do list overwhelming? Have you ever wished for just one more hour in the day?  Or one more day in the week? Do you wish you could create more time? Yeah, me too.  In fact, if we're honest, I'd imagine we all do.  We cannot make our days last 25 hours, but we can find simple ways to use the time we have better.  I'm no organizational expert.  If you were to come visit my house right now, you'd see my dining room table piled high with all the "stuff" that didn't fit when we put ... [Read More]