Book Review: What Keeps You Up at Night by Pete Wilson

A year ago I was coming home from She Speaks amazed and excited! While in Charlotte I had been contacted by a publisher and was anticipating a book contract by the beginning of 2015. I found an incredible literary agent and worked hard to craft a book proposal. That first proposal was rejected. I wrote a second one ... and it still sits in a pile somewhere at the publisher. To say I was crushed would be an understatement. I've struggled hard since the beginning of 2015 trying to figure out ... [Read More]

The 5 Most Important Things I Do Every Day

Laundry. Checking on aging grandparents. Dishes. Making the beds. Taking my girl to whatever she has going on. Wiping the bathroom counter. Fixing a meal. Chatting about the day's activities with my husband. Feeding the dog. And the list goes on and on. My everyday, every day tasks are probably pretty similar to yours. So much of life is about doing the same things over and over. Every day we do the everyday stuff. We check mail and pay bills. We wash dishes and sort laundry. We connect with ... [Read More]

Jesus Has Overcome!

I've started and stopped this post several times. What words could I ever string together to explain what the last year has been like. One year ago today I got up like every other Sunday morning and headed to worship with my church family. But by the end of the day I was in the cardiac care unit at a local hospital with a 2-1/2 inch stent. Who could ever have guessed a 42-year-old healthy woman with no risk factors would have had a major heart attack ... while singing with the choir at ... [Read More]

Keep. It. Shut. {Asking God to Do the Hard Things in Us}

First off, I need to admit something: I adore Karen Ehman. In fact, I might even be a little awestruck by her. She is energetic, entertaining, and everything she writes makes me feel like she’s been reading my prayer journal. Seriously, this woman seems to know me. Last summer I got to meet her. {I failed to get my picture made with her because I am, as you all already know, a total dork.} Karen so graciously invited me to share with the advanced speakers at She Speaks. And, in a very Teri ... [Read More]

Learning to Love Well

For the record, 42-year-olds are really not meant for dorm life. At least not this 42-year-old. In case you missed all the photos on Instagram, I spent nearly two weeks with my girl at cheer camp and then youth camp. I should also mention this 42-year-old is really not meant to spend that much time away from home. :) I'm so glad I went with her — those long conversations and belly laughs in the car as we drove from one camp to the other were worth far more than the lack of sleep. {And the ... [Read More]

2 Devotional Books I Am Loving in 2014

Confession: I love devotional books. But I tend to find one and use it for several years before switching to something new. For example, Jesus Calling and Streams in the Desert have been the books I've used for the past seven years. So, while I collect devotionals, I find very few I end up using consistently. 2014 has been a crazy year though, filled with the unexpected. And I have two devotional books I am loving right now ... both are new to me this year and neither is a part of my morning ... [Read More]