10 Tips for a Great Quiet Time

{FYI ... you may also want to check out 10 (more) tips for a great quiet time.} A great quiet time. We all want one. We all know we need one. The problem is ... we live in this fallen, broken, messy, busy world.   Carving out the time is hard enough.  But figuring out what to do when we have it ... that's an even bigger challenge. Bible in 90 Days, Bible in a Year, the latest study by Priscilla Shirer or Kay Arthur, classic devotions like My Utmost for His Highest or Streams in ... [Read More]

Devotions, Quiet Time, Personal Bible Study. Is It Really Necessary?

Many of us began the New Year with a renewed desire to spend time growing in the Lord.   The problem is ... we don't always know what that means or how to do it.   So we do what we heard all the super spiritual people do and commit to reading the whole Bible in a year and taking notes about all we learn along the way.   We choose a one-year reading plan and jump from Genesis to Psalms to Proverbs and finally to Matthew ... and within a few a few days our enthusiasm wanes and our exhaustion ... [Read More]