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One Amazing Summer: A Pleasing Aroma
It is a burnt offering, an offering made by fire, an aroma pleasing to the Lord. Leviticus 1:9 Repeated eight times in the first three chapters of Leviticus, this idea of the offering as a pleasing aroma to the Lord captivates me. Used first in Genesis 8:21 about Noah's sacrifice after exiting the ark and found again in Ephesians describing Christ's sacrifice: Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as ... [Read More]
One Amazing Summer: #B90Days Readings Week 3
Here are the readings for this week. I'm still trying to divide my readings into three sections a day to help me stop and refocus throughout the day. I confess though, it's been hard for me to do it this way. For a list-making, check-it-off-it's-done sort of girl, not being able to mark through the days reading until right before bedtime even though I started first thing in the morning has been tough. But the slowing down and intentionally stopping to read each afternoon as well as ending my ... [Read More]
One Amazing Summer: Why I’m Reading #B90Days in 3 Sections a Day
So, we're one week in ... how is everyone doing? Can you believe you've already read two books of the Bible this summer? A few people have asked me why I'm breaking the reading into three sections per day. Basically, it boils down to this: I need to have a forced stop in my day. I don't know about you but I get so busy and consumed with the various tasks at hand that it's not uncommon for me to read my Bible in the morning and then barely give it a thought the rest of the day. This ... [Read More]
One Amazing Summer: #B90Days Week 2 Readings
Here's week 2's reading schedule. ... [Read More]
One Amazing Summer: #B90Days Start Is Here!
Anyone but me excited?? Today since we're just starting, there is not much summarizing to do about what we read but I wanted to share how I'll be keeping track of what stands out to me when I read. Because each day covers so much, I know I won't be able to remember everything I read but I want to keep a record of what stands out to me the most from each day's portions of Scripture. I've created a little Word file (available as a pdf for you if you want to print it out and use ... [Read More]