#MustReads 31 Days Series Empty Nest, Full Heart

I love this one! What a great way to capture the joy of living intentionally every day! With favorites like a clean countertop (yeah!) to her favorite chalk paint and family photos, this is one series that is sure to bring a little smile to every day this month. Go now and check out Empty Nest, Full Heart's 31 Days of Favorites! ... [Read More]

#MustReads 31 DaysAmy Thue

Yes, I know, it's early October ... but you know (whether you want to admit it or not) that Christmas will be here before we know it. Amy is writing this amazing series to help us begin preparing our hearts for Advent.  Practical and encouraging, this is definitely a Must Read 31 Days series. ... [Read More]

#MustRead 31 Days SeriesAunt Jo’s Corner

I loved finding this little treasure in my perusing of the 1200 (!!) 31 Days series linked up with the Nester.  Aunt Jo's Corner is a sweet little spot that makes me feel like I've visited one of the sweet senior adults in our church.  It's folksy and warm and very welcoming. She's doing 31 Days of Finishing Projects ... and oh my! do I have some projects that need finishing.  So far she's finished a cute stool, a mirror project, and addressing some Christmas cards.  Easy peasy stuff that we, ... [Read More]

#MustRead 31 Days SeriesThe Reluctant Sojourner

Do you know Jessica?  You should.  She has a wise and tender heart and makes the beautiful and powerful art with her words. For example, More often than not, I want to live as Christ in ways that make me feel good…in comfort, in predictability, in success, in control. Knowing that open-handed living means I am utterly not in control is scary. This month she's writing every day on being a sojourner, to realize {and live in} the truth this world is not our home.  She's tackling some tough ... [Read More]

#MustRead 31 Days SeriesWalking in Grace & Beauty

So, here we are, day three already!  I bet you've already found some series you absolutely love.  Me too! Since today is my 41st birthday (gasp!), I thought it would be the perfect day this series by a precious friend and fellow pastor's wife, Cyndi Spivey. Cyndi has the most delightful way of educating and encouraging all at once.  If you have never visited her lovely blog, now would be a great time to do so.   Oh and I love my bangs ... got them earlier this year!  And people have said I ... [Read More]

#MustRead 31 Days SeriesThe Local Honey

Okay, I'm just going to be honest, part of the reason I wanted to do this series was because I feel like there are so many incredible writers who are impacting their communities and homes and doing amazing things online ... but sometimes they {we?} don't get noticed.  With 700-ish series linking up the October 31 Days challenge, it is inevitable that at least a few will get lost. So I am spending time going through link by link, hunting up the goodies that speak to my heart ... and if you ... [Read More]