{Sunday Scripture} John 10:10

What if we memorized a few verses this month? Verses that could help us remember what matters and what doesn't?  Verses that encourage us to live well? Embedding Scripture in our hearts is one of the best tools for removing the guilt, comparison, and discontent that far too often take up residence. Like this one from John 10:10 ... Will you choose the abundant life this week? Let's live well, shall we? ... [Read More]

{Encouraging Words} Living Sacrifices

Recently I was part of a discussion about sacrifices and what it means to be a living sacrifice for the Lord. I made note there are only two examples of living sacrifices in the Bible: Isaac and Jesus Christ.  The thing is, a living sacrifice CHOOSES to remain on the altar.  A living sacrifice trusts the Father with everything, surrendering every part of life to His able care. If we are going to live well, we must determine to be living sacrifices offering ourselves entirely to the ... [Read More]

You Are NOT on Your Own!

Here we are at day four of our journey to living well.  I hope you have been encouraged.  I have loved reading your comments here on the blog and on Facebook.  Today we're discussing the third truth about living well.  We've already covered the reality we can't do it all and we can learn to be content.  This last one is encouraging to me ... and I hope it is to you as well. I don't know about you but sometimes I really start to believe I'm alone.  I don't see the truth of how others are ... [Read More]

You CAN Be Content!

Contentment does not lie around the next corner.  It is not waiting for us on the other side of today's difficulty, nor is it lost with yesterday. Contentment is where God is, and God is with us today. Lydia Brownback ... for I have learned in whatever situation I am in to be content. Philippians 4:11b I'm a dreamer. I like ideas and brainstorming and planning. I love helping others figure out how to chase their dreams. But sometimes I get stuck in the dreaming and fail at the doing.  I long ... [Read More]

You CAN’T Do It All!

Before we go any further, we need to identify some truths about living well — three truths, in fact.  You might want to sit down ... this first one might come as a shock to one or two of you but here goes ... Seriously, my friends, I mean it.  You can't be mom of the year, best wife, awesomest room mom, favorite employee, and most fabulous church worker ... you just can't.  It's impossible to do everything.  IM. POSS. I. BLE. If we're going to live well and experience the ... [Read More]

31 Days of Living Well {an introduction}

Yay! You're here! I have to admit I had a moment's fear this morning that I'd be opening the door for this little 31 days party and no one would show up. But you did! I am incredibly thankful that you chose to spend a few moments of your day here with me. I can't wait to share the next month with you exploring how we can learn to live well. I don't know about you but I hear so much talk about living a balanced life these days. As if there is a formula we can all follow to create a life where ... [Read More]