Did you memorize John 10:10 last week? I hope so! Memorizing Scripture is one of those things we all know we should do ... but we all have a thousand reasons why we can't or don't. So what if we agree there are lots of reasons, even some good ones, why we haven't been focused on doing this before but for the rest of this month, we're all going to give this Scripture memorizing thing a try. Sound good? Let's do it!! This week, will you "whatever you do" for the Lord? ... [Read More]
{Encouraging Words} Giving God Priority
It's so easy to get distracted by all the things on our lists and all the people in our lives. But living well has to start with an intimate relationship with Christ. While I firmly believe there is no such thing as a perfect quiet time, I just as firmly stand on the truth that we all need to devote time each day to prayer and reading our Bibles. Maybe you've struggled with this ... there have been times in my life when I have as well. But know this, it's worth the effort it takes to get ... [Read More]
{action step} Pick Three
Wow, the first full week of our Living Well series is wrapping up ... what do you think so far? I do hope you've been encouraged and maybe even a little challenged already. Those three truths we talked about last week are the keys to everything else. Remember them! You can't do it all. You can be content. And you are most certainly not alone. This week, we discussed learning to live well. Understand this is a process and we have to be willing to take it one step {one day, one moment} ... [Read More]
Prioritize Rest
Today I took a 3-1/2 hour nap. I didn't really have time for that. I had three blog posts to write for different sites. There are literally no clean towels in my house. The dishes from supper last night are still in the sink. But I was exhausted. I need about eight hours of sleep per night. I've accepted this about myself. I don't function well when I don't get at least seven hours of sleep every night. And this week has been crazy. Between away games and church and early morning ... [Read More]
How Do We Choose Best over Good?
... but every good opportunity deserves prayer and careful consideration to determine whether or not it is the best of use of the time and talents God has given you. ~ Erin @ Home with the Boys Okay, I've typed and deleted this post twice. It's hard to talk about this because it's become such a cliche. I'm pretty sure I've heard this statement or some variation at every conference I've attended in the past couple of years: Be confident in choosing best over good in your life. Y'all, I ... [Read More]
We Learn to Live Well
Do you ever wonder if you are doing anything right? You know, like when you look around and see only an overscheduled calendar and an overwhelming pile of laundry? If your life looks anything like mine there are probably weeks when you get to Saturday night and ask yourself if you did anything that really matters over the past seven days. 2013 has been a difficult year for me. I haven't had a real sense of purpose or direction for most of this year. I've struggled to figure out what direction ... [Read More]