I'm reading an incredible book right now: Let Hope In by Pete Wilson. I've finished the first eight chapters and I think I've underlined over half of it. I'll be sharing a full review in early November but this weekend, I just wanted to share some of the wisdom Pete has offered. I love this reminder that my redemption isn't based on me and what I do or who I am ... it's all God. And His love truly does change everything! This weekend and as you prepare your heart for worship tomorrow, ... [Read More]
{action step} Make Something
Okay, I know ... when I post two posts late on Thursday night it makes it hard to even think about an action step on Friday. I'm sorry! But, I think this is one everyone can do. Last week I encouraged you to pick three MITs every day for the week. I do hope many of you did and that you found the practice useful. As I mentioned, this has been one of the best exercises I have incorporated in my quest to live well. This week we looked the idea of ordering our days. I shared about ... [Read More]
Encourage Creativity
When life gets really chaotic and I wonder if I'm doing anything that matters, I tend to withdraw. I get overwhelmed by all that isn't done and lose sight of the big picture. In talking with some friends recently, I realized I'm not the only one. As we discussed some of the ways we regroup, I noticed our choices seemed to fall into two broad categories: Solitude or Creating I shared earlier in this series about our need for rest. I firmly believe there are times when we are physically and ... [Read More]
Embrace {a little} Chaos
About 14 years ago I started teaching a women's Bible study class. I've pretty much been teaching in some form or fashion ever since. I've learned so much through my studying and through the discussions held with countless women and I'm thankful for every single opportunity I have to open the Word and encourage others. But I've also learned another lesson: Whatever I'm teaching is where I'm going to be tested! This series is no exception. Y'all, our life has been topsy turvy all month. This ... [Read More]
Establishing Your Priorities
Well hello there! Thanks for joining me today. This week we're talking about ordering our days. Remember, I told you I didn't have any sort of magic plan to make life smooth. {Oh how I wish I did!!} Instead, we're going to explore three basic concepts to provide a framework for ordering our days. First up – establishing priorities. Last week I shared how the idea of good v. best can often become a struggle for us. Today I want to unpack that idea a little bit more and give you some ... [Read More]
We Learn to Order Our Days
Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. Psalm 90:12 How do you spend your days? Are you frantically rushing from one thing to the next, never quite feeling caught up or under control? Do you find yourself facing each day with trepidation and frustration rather than joy and enthusiasm? Do you consistently feel overwhelmed or exhausted by your life? Let's face it, we all have seasons where life just doesn't seem to run smoothly. But, there is a huge difference between ... [Read More]