Counting for Eternity

Special thanks to Cherie for this beautiful photo. “When life comes down to the bottom line, I want mine to have counted for all eternity.” unknown How does this happen?  What steps do we take to make our lives count for eternity? I know this … it’s not by chance […]

The Splendor of Gray Hair

(Our “Young at Heart” group last year on our annual fall trip. At the Black Bear Jamboree in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee.) Tuesday mornings are one of my favorite times of the week. One of Scott’s many roles as Associate Pastor at our church is senior adult ministry. And, on Tuesdays, […]

Fear of the Lord

This morning in my Sunday School class there was some discussion about this idea of fearing the Lord. Everyone seemed to have their own idea about what that means. I’ve been thinking about this concept some and, of course, did a little research on my own. That word for fear […]