When Tragedy Strikes, Hope Remains

It’s been almost one year since the tornadoes devastated north and central Alabama.  We were still living on the Georgia coast when this, one of the deadliest tornadoes in Alabama history, struck.  Over 130 miles of an E-4/E-5 tornado … stretching across several counties and affecting thousands of people. Many […]

A Sweet Devotion

I am not sure when I first connected with Carey Bailey but I remember thinking she had to be the sweetest person online.  Her smile lights up my computer screen – even in tiny avatar form.  Her tweets are filled with kindness and grace and her blog posts are among […]

Nothing Is Beyond Redemption, Nothing.

The last month has been rough.  I might have mentioned that a few times.  The laundry hasn’t always been done and I have felt like a bad mom.   It’s been easy to forget simple truths. But there’s this song by Selah (I love them!) that keeps rolling through my […]

For the Days You Want a Do Over

It’s been happening a lot lately.  I lie down, exhausted, and find myself unable to rest. My mind plays over and again the failures of the day just passed: Didn’t fix breakfast for the girl before school Watched “Grey’s Anatomy” instead of cleaning the kitchen Rewashed the clothes in the […]

Choose, Don’t Compare or Compete

Never compare your life’s journey with anyone else’s.  Your journey is your journey; not a competition.  Unknown Far too often we waste our days comparing and competing.  But what would happen if we chose instead? What if we chose prayer instead of Pinterest? Or family instead of Facebook? What if […]

Discovering God’s Agenda

I must confess that my own life is ever torn by my desire to be a writer of significance and my desire to be nothing more than a soul who wants to discover God’s agenda for my life – one minute at a time.   Calvin Miller How I long […]