Dear Friend who Dreams {a God-sized dreams post}

So, here’s the deal … I have too many friends who dream big, God-sized dreams and have faith that moves mountains and hearts that draw others close.  Therefore, I am modifying the assignment and writing a few postcards to some dreamers I know.  Hope Holley doesn’t mind too much. 🙂 […]

Community (in)RL

I can talk all. day. long.   For real.  But this morning, I am finding it hard to put into words what happened in my heart and in my home Saturday morning. Six women walked through my door.  Six women with six different situations.  The only commonality was they all […]

Make Time to Play {a God-Size Dreams post}

This week is one of those crazy-busy, tear-out-your-hair, meet-yourself-coming-and-going kind of weeks.  My husband is leading worship for a revival.  My daughter’s spring musical is Thursday and Friday.  I have a speaking engagement Thursday night and (in)RL is this weekend. My house is a wreck.  The vacuum died on Monday […]

Dear Fear, You Lose. {a God-sized dreams post}

Dear Chihuahua of Fear, I have some things I’d like to say to you.  I say them because your yippy little voice echoes through my heart and my head.  Your annoying yapping has caused me to let go of my hopes and dreams more times than I care to admit. […]

I Like to Be Right.

I like to be right. Let me restate that, I need to be right. It’s one of those ongoing flesh-versus-spirit battles in my life. I want people to see my point of view and agree with me.  Seriously, I went to college on a debate scholarship—I don’t just want you […]

But in Humility

  Lent undid me this year.  It pressed in on my heart in ways I hadn’t expected. Revealed layers of hurt and anger I thought had long since been healed and left behind.  All my reading and study over the past six weeks have led me to a strange, uncertain […]