A Reminder for the Days when Life Is Hard

Recently after yet another “lively discussion” with my girl, I sat on the couch and cried. Because life is hard. It just is. And I somehow convince myself that means I am doing something wrong. Because surely if I were doing it right, there wouldn’t be so much struggle and […]

Simple Bible Study for Busy Women

Last week I was talking to my friend Britta. We were dreaming about some big ideas God has placed inside our hearts and brainstorming together some of the ways we could partner to see those ideas turn into realities. One of the passions we share is encouraging women to interact with […]

On Accusers and Adulterers … and What Grace Really Looks Like

Have you ever read a familiar passage of Scripture, one you’ve studied and taught and heard countless sermons about, and then one day you read it and the Holy Spirit whispers something entirely new to you, a glimpse of something you had never considered?  Yeah, that happened to me yesterday. […]

A Prayer for the Hard Days

Yesterday was a very emotional day for some people we dearly love. They are in the middle of a difficult and draining situation. It’s hard knowing they are hurting and feeling helpless to do anything. Last week, as we talked with them about what comes next, I was reminded how […]

Hope Will Come

Hope.  Hope pushes to keep going when hopelessness pulls at us to stop. Hope glimmers softly when darkness weighs hard and heavy. Hope whispers peace when circumstances scream chaos. Hope. Wherever you are, whatever your situation, there is hope. Because in Christ we are more than conquerors {Romans 8:37} and in Him we […]

10 Verses from the Psalms for the Dark Days

It’s stormy here in North Alabama. Even the screen on my weather app is gray. I don’t know about you, but on days like this, I just want to curl up with a warm blanket and a good book. Sometimes, though, the dark days come even when the sun is shining […]