Sunday Meditations || Romans 12:2

Each week we will begin with a Sunday meditation, a prayer based on a verse related to counter cultural living. This week, of course, I have chosen Romans 12:2, which is the foundation verse for this series. Lord, as we begin this journey, we know we can only learn what […]

STAND OUT: Recommended Resources

This transformation journey began for me, as many things do, with books that piqued my interest and challenged my thinking. And, as I dug into the Word, I longed to understand more about what a counter cultural life is and how it looks for a very unremarkable wife and mom […]

Transformation instead of Conformation

Why Live Counter Culturally? I suppose before we go any further in this discussion, we need to answer this question, right? Why does it really matter if our lives look different from the world in which we live? For me, there are two primary reasons: When we remember this world […]

STAND OUT: 7 traits of a counter cultural life

Welcome to my 6th 31 days series! Sixth. Y’all, I’ve been blogging forever. 🙂 I’m thrilled you are here and I hope this month will be one full of encouragement and inspiration for you. We’ll be spending the month of October talking about this: Counter cultural has become one of […]

My 2015 31 Days Series Sneak Peek

Every October I join the throngs who write 31 days straight.  Here are the series I’ve done in previous years: 2010: 31 Days Under Construction {notes from real-life journal} 2011: 31 Days of Joy {a journey through Philippians} 2012: 31 Days of #MustRead 31 Days Series {a gathering of great links!} […]

Be Generous with Grace

Grace: the unmerited favor of God; receiving that which we don’t deserve. We can’t do enough or be good enough or live well enough to earn the grace God has given. It’s why verses like this mean much to us as believers: For by grace you have been saved through faith. […]