Book Review: What Keeps You Up at Night by Pete Wilson

A year ago I was coming home from She Speaks amazed and excited! While in Charlotte I had been contacted by a publisher and was anticipating a book contract by the beginning of 2015. I found an incredible literary agent and worked hard to craft a book proposal. That first proposal was […]

Book Review: Anchored by Kayla Aimee

I have so many friends writing the most amazing books, y’all! Last week I got to tell you about a book that hit me square between my perfectionistic eyes.  If Amy’s book was like a conversation with a good friend, Kayla Aimee’s new book, Anchored: Finding Hope in the Unexpected*, […]

Book Review: Breaking Up with Perfect by Amy Carroll

Last summer I met this incredible girl with a smile that fills up a room. From our first phone conversation until we met face-to-face in the hallway of a hotel conference center in Charlotte, North Carolina, I knew this was a woman who loved Jesus. As she reached out to […]

The Accidental Feminist by Courtney Reissig {Book Review}

The Accidental Feminist. I must confess, the title drew me in. Because, really? How can being a feminist be accidental? Right? Crossway graciously sent me a copy of the book {as they do so often with no demands or expectations} and while I sat in the Auburn Arena watching 400+ […]

Heart Sisters by Natalie Snapp {Book Review}

Yesterday my friend Alycia and I talked for about an hour. She’s starting a new therapy practice and needed some counsel about her website. I gave her some information and ideas … but most of our conversation was about life. Alycia and I have been friends for over 30 years. We met […]

The Fringe Hours {book review}

I mentioned a few weeks ago how much I love my journaling Bible. I really do. I’m not particularly artistic but I am enjoying learning to do hand lettering and to use Scripture to form my own brand of art. It’s becoming one of those releases for me … a […]