My Big List of Great Books for Moms

It’s no big secret I adore books and reading.  I’m a failure at keeping an up-to-date book list here on the blog but I seem to be doing better at posts that share what I’ve been reading each month.  I’ve been working on a few projects connected to Prayers for […]

What I’m Reading {September 2015}

Hi all! Since several of you liked last month’s update about what I’m reading, I thought I’d share again this month.  I did finish a couple of books and will {eventually} get real reviews written.  But mostly, this month, I’ve been a slow reader of non-fiction.  {Most of these links […]

What I’m Reading {August 2015}

I read. A lot. And I am not exceptionally good at keeping my Book List up-t0-date. {understatement} Also, I don’t put books I’m re-reading or most fiction books on the list anyway … so it’s never 100% accurate. I never read just one book at a time.  Emily Freeman and […]

Simply Tuesday by Emily Freeman {Book Review}

This time a year ago I thought I was about to sign my first contract for a traditionally published book.  My speaking calendar was growing as was my blog. I had several coaching clients and I was excited about all the ways God was moving in my life professionally. Today, […]

An Invitation to Choose Wisdom

My most consistent prayer is for wisdom.  Time and again I find myself crying out to the Lord for the discernment and understanding necessary to navigate life.  I cling to the words of James, If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without […]

Book Review: The Pastor’s Wife by Gloria Furman

Do you ever wonder what your pastor’s wife is thinking? Or how she feels?  Ever wish you peek into her heart — not as a busy body but so you could better minister to her? If so, The Pastor’s Wife* by Gloria Furman is for you. Gloria shares an honest […]