15 Great Bible Studies for Women

So, almost six years ago I wrote a little post titled Top Ten Bible Study Recommendations and, y’all, it keeps pushing its way to the top of the pile around here. Those ten recommendations are still some of my favorites but I figured it might be time for an updated […]

What I’m Reading {January 2017}

This is probably one of my favorite types of posts to write because I love to share what I’m reading. If we met for coffee and I got there before you, you wouldn’t walk in and see me on my phone, you’d see me holding a book {or maybe my […]

Available, Brave, and Connection: My Heart Plan for 2017

2016 was not my best year on record. In fact, it was pretty rough. Not in the way everyone might notice but, for my heart, 2016 was brutal. My journal is full of tear-stained pages begging for God to make clear the path He has for me and pleading on […]

{Some of} My Favorite Books of 2016

Okay, before we get started I need you to know something … writing posts like this is super hard for me because, really and truly, books are like friends for me and choosing my favorites is akin to asking me to leave people off the list for a big party! […]

{Book Review} Listen Love Repeat by Karen Ehman

Have you ever read a couple of lines in a book and had to stop because the words resonated so deeply within you that you needed time to stop and allow them to sink in and soak in and expand. Four years ago, I read a book by Karen Ehman […]