#MustRead 31 Days SeriesAmy in Wanderland

This one is for all my book-loving friends!  Amy is a middle-school librarian with four children (including a 7th grade daughter like I have) so she is “in the know” on the topic of young adult fiction.  I’m excited about her series and can’t wait to add to my list […]

Fear or Courage

It happens every time.  At least it does to me.  As soon as I think I’ve finally checked something off my list, I notice where I failed or forgot. Last week was Parenting from the Overflow week.  I spent Monday through Wednesday frantically writing and formatting.  By Wednesday afternoon I finally […]

A Mother’s Version of Philippians 4:12-13

The expanded version of Parenting from the Overflow is almost finished.  I am so excited to share with you one of my favorite parts of the book.  From the chapter titled “Overflowing Joy,” I offer you a mother’s version of Philippians 4:12-13. I know what it is to have children […]

Seriously God? by Jenny Smith{book review}

This is the first post in a new feature here on Fresh Perspective … All Things Book-ish.  I’ll be sharing reviews and recommendations of books I’ve read as well as offering my “ruminations” about what I’m reading, how I choose books, etc.  This will *hopefully* be a weekly(ish!) feature. “Will […]

{Clean} Fiction Recommendations

It’s no big secret I’m a reader.  I love a good book.  For most of my adult life, I’ve been an avid reader of nonfiction.  But since I got my Kindle (and with it access to a plethora of free e-books), I have noticed I read a lot more fiction. […]

When Parents Believe in Dreams

I’ve been a reader all my life.  There are pictures of me in my crib curled up around the book I was “reading” as I fell asleep.  Similar photos exist of me even in high school … and even now, my husband has been known to turn off my Kindle […]