#MustRead 31Days Series The Deliberate Reader

I’m a reader … and typically a nonfiction reader.  (Though with the free books available for my Kindle Paperwhite, I do find myself reading a lot more fiction lately.  I’ve got a list of clean fiction recommendations you might want to check out.}  Anywho … bac k to the whole […]

#MustRead 31 Days Series Next Step Editing

Yesterday I shared a little bit about Sandra.  She’s pretty amazing and I have no words to express how thankful I am for her friendship. But she’s not just a fellow pastor’s wife, mom of an autistic child, soon-to-be adoptive mother of a boy from Ethiopia, homeschooling mom to her […]

#MustRead 31 Days Series 31 Days of Self-Publishing

In case you didn’t know, I’ve written a few books.  I’ve self-published all of them.  I highly recommend self-publishing!  It’s been a great experience for me.  (But, you know, if Thomas Nelson calls me, I’ll let them publish something for me! LOL) My friend Erin and I wrote a book […]

#MustReads 31 Days Series Little Progress Notes

Sheer genius … I’m not even joking!  What an incredible idea to write a novella in 31 parts during October.  I admit I have found myself capitivated and eagerly awaiting the next day’s installment of Little Progress Notes’ series. You should really check this out. 

Parenting from the OverflowAvailable Now!

I spent this weekend in Oklahoma.  My Pepa is 91 and is nearing the end of his days on earth.  It was a gift for me to be able to go and spend some time with him over the past few days.  Most of my favorite childhood memories involve time […]

The 411 on Parenting from the Overflow

I am so stinkin’ excited y’all!  I mean, really, over the top thrilled! Parenting from the Overflow releases on Monday! So, here are the answers to a couple of questions I’ve been asked about this book. What is Parenting from the Overflow? This parenting gig is hard work!  The days […]