31 Million Orphans. Tell Their Story!

One of the things I love best about blogging is having the opportunity to tell stories.  Not just the stories about my life but the stories of people around the world.  Stories of wells dug and women freed are powerful.  Stories matter. UNICEF estimates there are 31 million children orphaned […]

2013 Reading List

I read a lot. Like around 100 to 150 books a year, on average.  I pretty much devour the written word.  If you are on Goodreads, I’d love to connect.  Please send me your recommendations! People ask me what I’m reading with some regularity.  And I love looking through the […]

Forgiveness. Ugh.

You know how sometimes a book gets all up in your business?  Well, apparently, I have some forgiveness issues.  Or maybe it’s just one issue:  I need to do it better. My friend and fellow MOD Squad mom Tracie wrote a 31 Days series last October … and she took […]

17 Favorite Non-Fiction Reads of 2012

Have I mentioned my new-found love for list.ly?  Yeah, it’s awesomely easy and a great way to connect with others!  You can like (or dislike) items on this list, share the list, indicate you’ve read the book … so much fun!  So go ahead … like, dislike, share, or even […]

How Weird Is It to Review a Bible? Everyday Matters Bible for Women

Reviewing a Bible is just plain strange, y’all!  Far different from the normal book reviews I do where I am discussing content. 🙂 A few weeks ago I received a new Bible in the mail. It’s beautiful, isn’t it?  I love the cover.  A lot.  But since that’s not really […]