A Christmas Gift for Rose {book review}

Last October I met the amazing Tricia Goyer.  We’d been at a conference together for three days but never spoke until we were sitting at the Harrisburg airport on the way home.  We’d arrived WAY early for our shared flight out of Harrisburg and spent a couple of hours getting […]

Being OK with Where You Are {book review}

When I give my “it” to God I am not setting it free to fly and let the universe decide to bring it back or not. Instead, I am surrendering my plans to a personal God who loves me and knows what is best for my heart. Being OK with […]

TWR360.org {Faith for Your World}

One of my favorite perks of blogging is the opportunity to preview new resources.  A couple of months ago, I was introduced to TWR360.org … and I admit, I’m hooked!   TWR has been a leading Christian radio broadcaster around the world … and now they are harnessing the power […]

Don’t Miss This {May 10, 2013}

Two great books you should check out … Kidventures* {affiliate link} is a fabulous resource from my friend and mom to four boys (quads!), Jen Murray!  If you have been looking for activities to do this summer with your kids, you need this ebook!  Jen has worked hard to create a fabulous […]