3 Reasons Family Traditions Are Important

Last year we completely renovated Scott's grandparents' home. We moved in just before Casiday graduated and in time for all the summer holidays. By the time Fourth of July rolled around, we had already hosted more events in our new home than we had in the house we'd lived in the previous seven years. Building relationships is important to us. Opening our home to others is one way we do that. Whether it's a barn party for the students at our church or a New Year's Eve party with all our ... [Read More]

What Do I Really NEED for Bible Study?

Almost every week I talk with or hear from someone who says something like this, "I just really want to learn more about how to study my Bible but I don't even know how to start!" Y'all, for real. This is one of my favorite topics and I LOVE LOVE LOVE being able to encourage others about taking the first or next step in their spiritual growth. And, for so many people, that means learning how to study their Bible for themselves. While there are countless tools and resources available, ... [Read More]

Let’s Spend the Summer in the Psalms, Shall We?

So, y'all, summer is here in FULL FORCE in Alabama. It is hot. And a few weeks ago I got poison ivy and I'm not sure there is much worse than having poison ivy when it's so miserably hot and humid that you begin sweating the minute you step outside. But, you're not here for my sob story, right? The real point is that even though I'm sweating and itching like crazy, I'm super excited about leading my first online Bible study in two years. And, for the first time ever, I'm doing a NO HOMEWORK ... [Read More]

This woman loves the new HE READS TRUTH Bible!

I have long been a fan of the ministry of She Reads Truth. In fact, this morning, I went ahead and subscribed to their app so I could have access to all their reading plans. When the She Reads Truth Bible was released, I eagerly bought a copy. But, I didn't love it. It was presented as a study Bible and I found it woefully lacking. When your library includes the ESV and CSB Study Bibles among many others, the SRT Bible really had nothing new or unique to offer. I used it, however, for ... [Read More]

10 Ways to Keep Scripture in Front of Our Girls

Whew, y'all, it's summer in Alabama for sure. Which is to say that it's already nine thousand degrees outside with ten thousand percent humidity. Basically, I'll be "glistening" until my birthday in October. Gotta love the South. ha!! Casiday wrapped her first year in college earlier this month and starts her summer classes next week. {She's taking Physics which just proves, again, that she is my total opposite.} Summer can be a mixed bag for moms — we love the freedom from schedules and ... [Read More]

6 Keys to Thriving in the Hard Seasons

Financial crisis. Health issues. Relationship struggles. Hard seasons come for all of us. And sometimes it just feels like we're never going to make it. I've been there ... and there's a good chance I'll be there again at some point. Life is full of hard days, difficult seasons. Sometimes we can see them coming. We can brace ourselves for the storm. But other times, we're blindsided, caught totally unaware. We know we'll survive ... it's not that we think the storms will completely ... [Read More]