Have you ever studied the book of Judges? It's a great little book and I used a wonderful Bible study a year or so ago called "Java with the Judges" to go through it. I highly recommend that study. {This is not a review of that study just wanted to mention it because I liked it! It is however on sale right now at CBD if you are looking for a new study for yourself or a small group. The entire Coffee Cup series is great!} Back to the actual post ... In Judges 10 we find the account of ... [Read More]
What’s the Use?
"What is the use of prayer if at the very moment of prayer we have so little confidence in God that we are busy planning our own kind of answer to our prayer?" ~ Thomas Merton Ouch! Did that pierce anyone but me? ... [Read More]
some thoughts on prayer
I had the honor of spending some time yesterday morning with a sweet young lady who has been struggling lately ... dealing with a lot of stuff. In the course of our conversation, I asked her about her prayer life and she said, "I don't know how to pray." Not the first time I've had someone tell me that very thing. So, I've been thinking a lot today about the things I shared with her about prayer and how thankful I am that she was encouraged by them. I think a lot of people are intimidated ... [Read More]
It’s Just Like God …
... to make a beautiful sunrise when I think I can't stand another morning of gray skies. ... to give me a good night's sleep when I am utterly exhausted to my core. ... to speak peace to me through His Word when my world seems out of control. ... to place an encourager in my life when I feel useless. ... to bring fresh mercies every morning. ... to make beauty from ashes. ... to show me He cares in countless ways. That's just how MY God is! ... [Read More]
Learning to Trust God
"You need to understand that this is a life-threatening illness." "I'm sorry but removing the spleen has not brought the result we hoped." "There have been two bleeds on the brain." "Get a room in ICU. STAT!" "We'll know more in the next six hours." "He is on life support. The situation is very serious." Learning to Trust God Those are just a few words from doctors now etched into my heart and mind. In May 2004, my husband Scott was diagnosed with ITP, an auto-immune blood disorder. His ... [Read More]
Fear of the Lord
This morning in my Sunday School class there was some discussion about this idea of fearing the Lord. Everyone seemed to have their own idea about what that means. I've been thinking about this concept some and, of course, did a little research on my own. That word for fear is yir'ah meaning to be afraid, be reverent; reverence, awe, piety; reverence for the Lord. Seems to me that we, as the church collectively, have lost an appropriate reverence for the Lord in many ways. We've become ... [Read More]