Construction Zone: Godly Counsel

December 12, 2005 The godly give good advice to their friends; the wicked lead them astray. Proverbs 12:26 Father, let me give good counsel.  I want to point others toward You – to give them wise leadership and advice.  Help to grow in this area – continue to work in me. Teach me how to train C about true friendship.  And help me be a godly friend – let her see my example and let it point to You.  ~ Amen. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Still one of my most fervent prayers … that as I have opportunity to ... [Read More]

Construction Zone: More Heart Work

September 11, 2005 The Lord hates people with twisted hearts, but He delights in those who have integrity. Proverbs 11:20 “God is not interested in anything else as much as He is interested in our hearts.”  (from my devotion book) God, help me remember that!!  Keep me focused on the truth that it is my heart about which you are concerned. ~ Amen. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Obedience is better than sacrifice … that’s the message the Lord keeps teaching me over and over.   It’s not what I do … it’s ... [Read More]

Construction Zone: The Mouth

September 10, 2008 Don’t talk too much, for it fosters sin.  Be sensible and turn off the flow.  The words of the godly are like sterling silver; the heart of the fool is worthless. Proverbs 10:19-20 NLT Ouch!  This one still gets me every month.  Reminds me of James 1:19 – quick to listen, SLOW to speak. God, this one is hard … so hard.  My filter stinks!  Please help me learn to be cautious to guard my speech.  I want to be sensible.   I just need to learn to be quiet … just because I ... [Read More]

Construction Zone: Wisdom

October 9, 2005 If you become wise, you will be the one to benefit.  If you scorn wisdom, you will be the one to suffer. Proverbs 9:12 This verse reminds me there are consequences for the choices we make.  All of Proverbs is a choice – to pursue wisdom or not. Lord, thank You for giving me a desire to pursue wisdom.  Teach me what it is to be wise in Your eyes.  And help me learn to apply the knowledge I gain and use it with my experiences wisely. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Still my earnest prayer … ... [Read More]

Construction Zone: Marriage

July 8, 2006 Today is Donna and Tim’s wedding!!  What a joy to celebrate this day with them … I pray they savor every single moment. Bless them and draw them close to You, Lord, as they begin their life together. Listen to my instruction and be wise; do not ignore it. Proverbs 8:33 Lord, I pray that my marriage (as well as Tim and Donna’s) will be firmly grounded in Your instruction … that I will be willing to graciously submit to my husband and to offer Him my deepest affection and love. ... [Read More]

Construction Zone: Deep Within

October 7, 2008 Follow my advice, my son; always treasure my commands.  Obey them and live!  Guard my teachings as your most precious possession. Tie them on your fingers as a reminder.  Write them deep within your heart. Proverbs 7:1-3 “Write them deep within” my heart … Lord, teach me what this means and how to live this way. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ How I still long to be filled with the depth of God’s revelation to me!  I continue to find myself longing for more time in the Word, more ... [Read More]