Remembering Nana Jo

Today we will celebrate and remember a life well-lived.  My step-grandmother, Joann, passed away Sunday, November 7th.   The first time I met Joann, she smiled the warm smile she always had, and offered me tuna fish, made - in her own words - as close as she could to the way my own Mema (who had passed away a few years before) had made it. She was a gracious, kind, generous person and though many miles separated us, whenever we spoke on the phone it was as if we had no distance or time between ... [Read More]

The Colors of Confession

Surrounded by people yet sitting alone.  One question asked by a humble heart, "What do you need to surrender?" Heads bowed all around me as I breathed a simple prayer, "Lord, show me ..." Eyes closed and heart opened.   I waited. Red.  Blue.  Green.  Black. Words echoing throughout my heart and mind. Anger.  Hurt.  Jealousy.  Sin. "Lay these down," He gently beckoned.   Tears silently fell ... release sweetly followed. Laying down anger and picking up peace. Letting go of hurts, ... [Read More]

Guests at the Heart Banquet

Photo by Jenny Downing Candlelight flickered on the sparkling crystal. The room was filled with the rich fragrance of dozens of gardenias, lilacs, and roses that filled the antique vase adorning the deep mahogany table. Heavy linen napkins ornately folded stood like stately soldiers beside bone china place settings. Each setting was perfectly suited for the guest who would soon be seated in the heavy chairs. Aromas wafted through the air ... a hint of the meal that would be served. One by one ... [Read More]

Experience the Collision!

Encouraging lives where the sacred and secular collide. That's my desire for this place ... As beautiful as Erin has made it, if all that happens here is looking at lovely design elements, I think she would agree, we've failed. The grand point is not to wear the garb, nor use the brogue of religion, but to possess the life of God within, and feel and think as Jesus would have done because of that inner life.  Small is the value of external religion unless it is the outcome of a life within.  ~ ... [Read More]

Under Construction

Thank you so much for joining me through October as I opened up my journals and shared where I’ve been and what I’ve learned … and what the Lord is still teaching me. And now I want to share with you that more has been “under construction” than my heart … there’s been a lot of behind-the-scenes work going on for my blog as well. I’ll be taking the next couple of days off … no new posts here at Pleasing to You.  In fact, no new posts ever again at Pleasing to You.  It’s sort of bittersweet, ... [Read More]

Under Construction: Marriage

October 31, 2007 Proverbs 31 day!  I love this passage!!  Today, Lord, as I read it – show me something new. Her husband is well-known, for he sits in the council meetings with the other civic leaders.  Proverbs 31:23 Lord, thank You for my husband who is respected and honored.  What a joy to married to a man who carries himself with such grace and humility. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Daily I am thankful for my husband … for the life he lives and the testimony to God’s grace and provision he models ... [Read More]