My Christmas Prayer

Fill my heart, O Lord, with wonder at the majesty of Your birth. Fill my mouth, O Lord, with grace for those who need Your Word. Fill my arms, O Lord, with hugs for those who've lost their way. Fill my mind, O Lord, with thoughts of You as I go about my day. Fill me up, O Lord, with only You ... that others see Your light. Amen ... [Read More]

Contentment in Chaos

It's Nutcracker week ... and we just finished our first White Christmas festival over the weekend at our church.  Suffice it to say, last week was crazy and this week looks to be equally exciting and exhausting. So, how do we manage to remain content and calm even in the midst of the insane schedules that accompany these wonderful events and opportunities? Keep counting ... hugs from children, laughter of friends, warm cocoa on a cold day ... and in the counting find peace in the ... [Read More]

The Season of Stillness

Settle yourself in solitude and you will come upon Him in yourself.  ~ Teresa of Avila Spinning around me, the whole world seems to be moving in fast forward.  I find myself resisting the pull of that frantic pace.  Mornings of slow coffee sipping, afternoons of quiet solitude, and evenings of reading have become my routine. The calendar still beckons with Nutcracker rehearsals, Christmas festival preparations, class parties, and the list that never seems to end.  But this year, I'm choosing ... [Read More]

Book Review: One in a Million

I was in the front seat, staring blankly out the passenger window.   Have you ever done that? Stared blankly while your life, with all its spinning parts, whirled around you in a chaotic fury?  Have you ever thought to yourself, How did we get here?  How did this happen? That's how I felt on that particular day.  (98) When I received Priscilla Shirer's latest book, One in a Million, to review, I was - honestly - covered up with so many projects that I just had to leave it sitting on my desk ... ... [Read More]

Contentment in Loss

As the holiday season has begun and the joy that surrounds the festivities seems to ring out from the red and green and bows and bells, my heart is torn.   Filled with richness and satisfaction for the ways in which He has given me so many good gifts ... and yet also filled with holes and memories of those who will not celebrate with us here. Yes, Mr. Jack and Granny Strickland and Mrs. Cowan experience the joy in a fullness I do not know ... but I will miss sharing a Christmas Eve tradition ... [Read More]

Make It Happen Monday: Pruning the Holidays

One of my favorite books to read as the holiday onslaught begins is Can Martha Have a Mary Christmas? by Brenda Poinsett.  If you are passionate about living lopsided, this is a must-read!   She says this about taming the holiday calendar, We will all prune in different ways in light of what is most important to us and in light of what will make our Christmas more pleasurable and meaningful.  (64) When you look at your December calendar and think, "I can't do it all!" ... ask yourself these ... [Read More]