B90Days Recap: Genesis 1:1 – Exodus 40:38

What a great week!   So many familiar people and events ... and tied to all of it this great promise of God's redemption. So the Lord God said to the serpent, "Because you have done this, Cursed are you above all the livestock and all the wild animals! You will crawl on your belly and you will eat dust all the days of your life.  And I will put enmity between you and the woman, between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head and you will strike his heel." ~ Genesis 3:14-15 Throughout ... [Read More]

I’m Tumbling … Join Me?

I mentioned a few months ago, that I had made a new friend. But I thought it might be a good time to remind you that you can subscribe to "The Rest of Me" ... my Tumblr blog. Especially over the next couple of weeks, I'll be using this easy way to share great posts, pictures, quotes and thoughts. And, while I'm mentioning places to find me ... I have a TeriLynneU.com facebook page and I would really be excited if you would "like" me there as well. So, click here to subscribe to my Tumblr ... [Read More]

Praying for You

And so, this is it ... my final scheduled post for 2010. I'll be taking the next three weeks to enjoy the holidays and do some traveling.  January is looking very slow on our family's calendar and very exciting on my blogging calendar!  I cannot wait to share with you the truths God has been working out in my heart over the past weeks. As I write this, I know that I'll probably pop back in at least a time or two to share some verse or thought or song that has touched my heart.   {I like to do ... [Read More]

Worship with me?

This morning during our worship services at church, we'll be singing "Glory in the Highest" by Chris Tomlin.  Perhaps you have heard it, perhaps not.  A powerful declaration of the majesty of our God and the honor due our Savior, this has become one of my favorite songs. From my reading of Luke today, words prophesied in the Old Testament and declared before the Lord as He entered Jerusalem on a borrowed donkey: Blessings on the King who comes in the name of the Lord!  Peace in heaven and ... [Read More]

Girly Contentment

The past week has been full ... really full!  From December 4th through the 12th, the girl has performed at our church's White Christmas festival, danced in The Nutcracker, and sung in the children's choir musical.   To say it has been busy would be an understatement ... but the utter joy I find in watching her learn to use her gifts to bring honor to the Lord is immeasurable.  From dancing to drama, singing to signing, our girl is finding that every thing we do is an opportunity for ... [Read More]

12 Days of Christmas Kindness

It's the second Monday of the month ... that means I'm writing my monthly column at Mod Squad! Parties.  Plays.  Gifts.  Decorating.  Baking. Constant chaos.  Crazy schedules.   Welcome to the "Most Wonderful Time of the Year"! If your house is anything like mine, your "To Do" list is long and your time is short.  And somehow in the midst of doing everything that must be done, you find yourself lying down at night, utterly exhausted, and wondering if anything of real value was accomplished ... [Read More]