Yesterday I shared how growing in simple has been far more complex than I expected. But today, I am asking you to join me in doing something ... making a difference globally ... by doing something very simple. As many of you realize, this morning I'll be volunteering at our local crisis pregnancy center. For the past twelve years I have been involved with this type of ministry and the opportunity each week to make a difference in the lives of women and families in crisis is truly a great ... [Read More]
Finally, Something I Already Do
This quest toward simple has been more than a little frustrating already! In fact, I have to admit that as we barely enter the second month of the year, I've already contemplated changing my one word to NAP. If you've been following along the past few Wednesdays, I've been sharing the controlling principles of simplicity that Richard Foster outlines in his book, Celebration of Discipline. First, I explained why I don't have a Mac Book {even though I'd LOVE to!}. Then, I admitted how big my ... [Read More]
Do we like each other?
When I switched from Pleasing to You to this beautiful new home {and btw, thank you for the ongoing compliments on this lovely space created for me by Erin of Insight Blog Design!} ... I also made a new Facebook page to go with new blog and redeveloped purpose. The problem is ... I lost some people in doing that! If you have a page for your blog, will you please leave me a comment so I can add it to my page's favorites? And, if by chance you haven't liked my new page, I'd certainly appreciate ... [Read More]
Apparently my but is really big
It's almost noon and I am struggling through this post ... still. Like I have been struggling through the three drafts I have begun and discarded. My quest for simple is apparently going to be a little more complex than I had expected. I suppose I simple-mindedly had believed that it would be a matter of discarding unnecessary items and modifying some scheduling around the house. I figured I would have to learn to say, "No," more often and that there would be time when I let of good to ... [Read More]
It Always Starts Small
Then the Israelites did evil in the eyes of the Lord and served the Baals. They forsook the Lord, the God of their fathers, who had brought them out of Egypt. They followed and worshiped various gods of the peoples around them. They provoked the Lord to anger. ~ Judges 2:11-12 (emphasis added) It always starts small. A gradual movement ... a taste, a peek. A little choice. A gradual slide from obedience to provoking. Reading through Judges, the cycle in the Hebrews' relationship with ... [Read More]
Why I Don’t Have a Mac Book
Last summer I read Simple Life: Time, Relationships, Money, God by Art and Thom Rainer. Next I read Radical: Taking Back Your Faith from the American Dream by David Platt. Then I read them both again. And I re-read Celebration of Discipline: The Path to Spiritual Growth by Richard J. Foster for the umpteenth time. But when I read Foster's book following the other two, my attention was drawn to a chapter I'd never focused on before ... Simplicity. As I read Foster's words on what ... [Read More]
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