{Top Ten Tuesday} A Bibliophile’s Confession

I love books ... I mean, seriously love books. I love the way they smell and the way they feel in my hands.  I love to open a brand new book with margins unassaulted by ink and I love to open a well-marked favorite just as much. We use books as the foundation of our decor here at Chez Underwood ... they are elements in every single room of our house.   From Uncle John's Bathroom Primer {is that TMI?} to my favorite Gooseberry Patch cookbooks ... they are everywhere. That part is not my ... [Read More]

Home Again, Home Again, Jiggity Jig

Whew ... the past few weeks have been a whirlwind around Chez Underwood. We've made two trips to Alabama and one to Charleston, prayed for Greer (who is doing outpatient therapy now for two more weeks in Birmingham and will then go home to wait on a heart! THANK YOU for your prayers!!), had Spring Break, got my new camera (squee!), and I joined my Scripture Dig sisters to speak at a conference in Pigeon Forge, TN. Now I'm tired again just from reading all of that!! ;) But life will soon ... [Read More]

To Be Honest …

I've been a very self-centered person of late. Concentrating entirely on what I want, where I am headed, the dreams I have for ME … just generally self-absorbed. I can’t tell you how I got to that point … I’m sure it was just a gradual shift in focus. But boy! Once I realized where I was … it hurt! As I was reading Scripture this morning this verse took my breath away with the realization of how very much I am in need of the Lord. “There is one who speaks rashly, like a ... [Read More]

Laundry Lessons

Every thirty minutes the buzz echoes through my otherwise quiet house.  I quickly finish the task at hand and redirect my attention toward the interrupting sound. The day is spent in a mindless cycle of sort, wash, dry, fold, put away.  I am struck by the simple truth that since God fashioned the garments of animal skin for Adam and Eve, fabrics of all types have been beaten with rocks, scrubbed on washboards, and tossed into machines.  Those same garments have then been stretched out, hung ... [Read More]

Simple Living = Simple Speaking

Let's see, we started this examination of Richard Foster's controlling principles of simplicity on January 19 ... there are ten principles so I should have wrapped up the posts last week.    I've learned another lesson about simplicity and blogging: When life gets crazy, roll with it and hope your readers are still around!! Today, we'll look at the eighth principle outlined by Foster in Celebration of Discipline: The Path to Spiritual Growth: Obey Jesus' instructions about plain, honest ... [Read More]

{Top Ten} Charleston Faves

Last week we took some of the senior adults from our church to Charleston.  These trips are one of the best parts of Scott's job ... we love traveling with these sweet people who are such blessings to us in so many ways. So, this week's Top Ten Tuesday is all about my favorites in Charleston. 10.  The Charleston BLT at  A. W. Shucks ... piles of bacon and lettuce with thick fried green tomatoes on a hoagie bun with homemade chips.   Oh. My. Gosh.  Yum!! 9.   All the cool pictures at Hyman's ... [Read More]