{Top Ten} Must Have Items for 5th Grade Field Trips

While I enjoyed every minute of my two-day dash through midtown Atlanta with the girl and about one hundred of her classmates on the fifth-grade class trip, I did find there are several must-have items for this sort of adventure. {And sadly, I learned about the need for a few because I *didn't* have them!} Paper towels for when your child sets a FULL RED Gatorade bottle OPEN in the cooler ... and it leaks all over the bus directly in front of the "No Food, Drinks, or Gum" sign. Extra ... [Read More]

Slowing the “Unholy Smear”

"In a world addicted to speed, I blur the moments into one unholy smear." Ann Voskamp, One Thousand Gifts On page 67 of Ann's book, this one sentence stopped me.  In fact, I stayed there - rereading, pondering, praying, and confessing - for a few days.   My heart weighed heavy at the conviction of my own smearing of life's moments, my own haste to accomplish the day's tasks, my own guilty addiction to speed.   Soul-weary and with deep desire, I confessed and prayed for strength to s.l.o.w. In ... [Read More]

Be Blessed This Day

Last night we were privileged to have Beyond the Ashes in concert at our church.  These guys can sing!  Oh my ... what amazing worship we shared with them. This is one of my favorite songs by Dottie Rambo and their rendition is perhaps the most beautiful I have ever heard.   I'm so thankful this Sunday morning that "He looked beyond my faults and saw my need." ... [Read More]

For the Mothers … All of Them

As Mother's Day draws near, may I share from my heart a piece of encouragement? For the Mothers For those who have longed for a child of their own and will stay home from church today because it's too hard - may your heart be cradled by the God who LOVES you. For those who mourn the child they have lost - may your tears be captured the God who SEES you. For those who are bleary-eyed and exhausted from late-night feedings and too-early cries - may your strength be renewed by ... [Read More]

{Top Ten} Orlando Pics

Last weekend we took a quick trip to Orlando so we could see the new Shamu show, "One Ocean."  It was good ... but honestly, since they've removed the human interaction component from the shows, they are not as much fun to watch.   We much prefer the dolphin show and the Clyde and Seamore {sea lions} show.     That said, here are a few of my favorite pics from our overnight jaunt to the most popular tourist destination in the world. And my two favorite people ... [Read More]


No, dear brothers and sisters, I am still not all that I should be, but I am focusing all my energies on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead. I strain to reach the end of the race and receive the prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us up to heaven. Philippians 4:13-14 NLT (emphasis added) Where is your focus? ... [Read More]