Sometimes the most urgent thing you can do is to take a complete rest. ~ unknown Rest ... –noun 1. the refreshing quiet or repose of sleep: a good night's rest. 2. refreshing ease or inactivity after exertion or labor: to allow an hour for rest. 3. relief or freedom, especially from anything that wearies,troubles, or disturbs. makes it sound so simple, huh? And yet in our world, the addiction to busy-ness and accomplishment render true rest an often illusive ... [Read More]
{Slow} A New Series
I've shared about my desire to move past "the unholy smear" and to s.l.o.w. I've been reading and studying what the Bible teaches about rest, stillness, slowing. I've been reading status updates and tweets {including my own} with busy, fast, rushing at the core. I've heard from friends and family of exhaustion, weariness, and frustration with the manic lifestyle common to our culture. I'm reading about several books right now about rest and Sabbath and contentment. I'm digging deep into ... [Read More]
What Matters Most
{My dear friend Marci from Overcoming Busy has one of the kindest, gentlest hearts of anyone I have ever known. And her current series, "What Matters Most," is a perfect example of her genuine desire to encourage others to overcome busy and pursue those things that matter. She asked me to share my heart with her readers and I am honored to do so. } So much of life these days is frantic, rushed, hurried. And the older I get, the more I find myself resisting that sense of urgency that seems to ... [Read More]
What Makes a Marriage Strong
We've had a great first fifteen years together! We have a life I never dreamed possible ... both us of are blessed to be able to pursue the jobs and dreams we love, we have a daughter who brings a joy into our home we could never have imagined, our families are a blessing and constant encouragement in our lives, and our friends are absolutely incredible! Sometimes I look around and find myself unable to put the words together to thank God for all the abundance He has given us. But we've ... [Read More]
An Example of Gentleness
Each Sunday she enters the church, carefully attentive to her mother, guiding her to their customary seats on the fourth row. Seated between husband and mother, she tenderly looks at each one, eyes shining with the love borne from years of sharing life. This same precious soul makes the needed phone calls before a funeral asking for casseroles, breads, and salads to serve grieving families. More than once I have been the recipient of a beautiful, handwritten note expressing her appreciation ... [Read More]
To Intervene or Not to Intervene … That is the Question!
My girl is eleven. She’ll start middle school in the fall. To say that I have a great deal of anxiety about this season of her life would be fair; after all, those years of puberty and early adolescence are, even in the best of circumstances, filled with enough hormones to make any child seem absolutely crazy! C is a funny, talented child, she’s always had a wide circle of friends, and though academics is not high on her priority list, she’s managed to stay an A/B student thus far. When ... [Read More]
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